
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

What a wonderful Mother's Day I had.  Many of you know that our son, Tannon is serving a 2-year mission for our church in Spain (Did I mention he gets home the end of August? WOO HOO!). What you may not know is that we only get to talk to him twice per year: once on Mother's Day and again on Christmas.  We do get weekly emails but the 'in person' stuff is limited. It's hard but it really helps the missionaries stay focused and give everything they have to the work. As you can imagine, we moms live for those 2 days.  We even got to skype! Easton and Daysha came up for the day from Cedar City so they got to be here to talk to Tannon too.  Kori and Easton were face timing at the same time and so we held the phone up to the computer so Kori could talk to Tannon and he could meet the new twins. I had all of my family 'here' with me in one or another for a little while on Mother's Day.  It was heavenly.  I included a photo of Tannon from a baptims last week. He is on the far right.

My four kiddos (in 5/2010...a few months before Tannon left on his mission):

Everyone took good care of me.  My mom and dad had us all over for a cook out. Dan-the-Man even made the food our family was assigned (Yeah, Dan!). My sisters and their families were there, as well as my grandmother.  She is 93!

On Saturday, Dan-the-Man and Dawson took me to a late lunch and to the new movie, The Avengers. So much fun! I think the Hulk beating up Loki was my favorite part. What does that say about me? I'm not sure I want to know.
Monday morning I got a call from an in-tears Kori. Daci had cut off all of her hair. If that isn't a big reminder of the joyful and not-so-joyful parts of motherhood, I don't know what is. You can read about that fiasco here.  Even with days like Kori had on Monday, days with tears and frustration, there is NOTHING quite like being a mother.  I know one day she will look back on that day and laugh...but it might be a while.

As I reminisce about my years raising all of my children, I find joy so many things: not just the perfect days, but even the days that were not so perfect.  Being a wife and a mother are the two most important things I have ever or will ever do. I am so grateful to be a woman and able to fill these two roles. I wouldn't have it any other way!

I am so grateful that my two married kids have chosen such wonderful spouses. I love Rick and Daysha just like my own kids!

Rick and Kori, 10/2011 (Kori was 7 months pregnant with the twins)

Daysha and Easton
I cannot end this post without saying how awesome it is to be a grandma too! I LOVE these three little munchkins.
Livvi and Street
Last, but certainly not least, I can't forget to say how much I love my hubby. Thank you, Dan-O for making me the happiest woman, wife and mother alive!

 I'll be back with more artwork and the unveiling of my June Play Group classes in a day or two. Stay tuned...


  1. Aww, I love this post! You ARE a very blessed mommy....if I do say so myself ;) tee hee. Miss you!

  2. I am glad you had such a fabulous Mother's day weekend. Your family is blessed to have you.

  3. Sweet post Karen, you have a beautiful family. I can't believe how much the twins have grown. They are so cute!

  4. Here I was all teary-eyed reading about your wonderful Mother's Day, then laughed out loud through the tears when I read Daci cut her hair..!!!
    Yes, Kori will laugh later…MUCH later as we all did!

  5. Sounds like you had such a WONDERFUL Mothers Day!!! You are blessed with such an incredible family, as am I. Ohhh myyyy about Daci's hair! Poor Kori...she will laugh later but it is so frustrating at the time. HUGS to her!
