
Monday, June 4, 2012

Dan's Birthday, A Recipe, and DID YOU KNOW....?

With the WONDERFUL June special of Stampaganza (for every 2 stamp sets you purchase, you get a third of equal or lesser value FREE!), it's  great time to update you on a few little factoids (including dynamite artwork scattered throughout this post created by the fabulously talented CTMH art department) about  Close To My Heart's My Acrylix® stamps.  My Acrylix® stamps are clearly (ha! pun intended) the best in the stamping industry, ink-stained hands down!

Did you know? 

  • My Acrylix stamps are ready to use right out of the package—no cutting out, mounting, or applying stickers required. Just place the stamp on your block, apply ink, and you’re set! 
  • My Acrylix stamps and blocks are clear, making it easy to stamp in exactly the right spot.
  •  My Acrylix stamps can be used to create a variety of popular looks, including: 
    • base and shade stamping
    •  creating your own patterned paper 
    •  sponging on multiple inks for single-impression, multi-color images 

  •  Many My Acrylix stamps coordinate with Cricut® Art Philosophy cartridge shapes, giving you lots of creative possibilities. Cut the shape on your Cricut® machine, stamp the image on the shape, and attach to your project! In the Idea Book, the images outlined in red coordinate with Cricut® shapes.
  • My Acrylix stamps are easy to maintain, store, and transport!
    Now you can see why Close To My Heart My Acrlylix Stamps are CLEARLY the best on the market!

    To purchase your stamps, just click HERE to enter my website.  You can view the stamp section of our Idea Book HERE.

    Now, onto something more personal. I had to wish my hubby a belated birthday here on my blog.  Dan-the-Man turned 50 yesterday. Yep, half a century, folks! That is a milestone! I am MORE than a little bit embarrassed to admit I totally forgot to take a single photo. UGH! How did I do that?  I was so busy creating his dinner that I just spaced grabbing the camera. I love this photo of Dan and our oldest granddaughter, Daci so I thought I'd share it in Dan's birthday honor today.  At  our house it is tradition that the birthday boy (or girl) gets to choose their entire birthday dinner. Dan chose chicken curry salad, hot dogs on the grill, fresh fruit, and a chocolate birthday cake with chocolate frosting. 

    It has been a while since I shared a recipe, so I thought I'd share my Chicken Curry Salad recipe today. It is a recipe that originated with The Lion House (famous restaurant in a home here in Utah that used to be owned and lived in by Brigham Young) and that has evolved over the years at our house with ingredients added and taken out until we think it's just perfect. It is similar to, but not the same as another of our favorite chicken pasta salads that I shared here, but not as sweet.

    Before I share that, I just wanted to publicly say how much I love this half-century old man of mine. I made such a GREAT decision the day I married him and have never regretted it. We have been through so many joyful experiences together, and some not-so-joyful. All of those experiences are what make a good, strong marriage.  I am so grateful for ours and that he loves me in spite of all of my faults.  Happy Birthday, Dan-o!

    Karen's Chicken Curry Salad
    1 1/2 c. mayo
    4 T. lemon juice
    1 tea. salt
    1 1/2 tea. curry powder
    milk to desired consistency (not too much)

    The Guts:
    4 cups cooked shellroni
    4 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
    1 c. diced celery
    1/2 c. green onions, sliced
    1 cup canned pineapple tidbits
    2 red apples, cut in small chunks (I put these in some lemon juice after I cut them until I am ready to drain them and put in the salad with the sauce so they don't go brown)
    2 c. green grapes (cut in half lengthwise)
    1/2 c. slivered almonds
    While boiling the shellroni and chicken (in separate pans of course, ha!), prepare sauce. Put in fridge. Then cut all fruits and veggies and put in a bowl.  Drain shellroni when done and add.  Toss together and put in fridge to chill while you shred the chicken.  When chicken is shredded, add to the salad. Last, toss with sauce and chill. Remember that you will want to be sure you have a bit more sauce than you think you need because as it sits in the fridge, the sauce thickens and absorbs and the salad gets much drier than when you first put the sauce on.

    Beautiful served on croissants or on a lettuce leaf.  Canteloupe, watermelon and/or sliced avacados are good on the side.

    Have a great day!


  1. Happy Belated B-day to your hubby!! Thanks for that recipe...sounds DELISH!

  2. LOVE that picture of Dan and Daci!

  3. Can't wait to try this recipe - it sounds nummy! Happy belated birthday to Dan! I too am about to reach that "special age" and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I am thinking that I will have to come up with a special layout to honor and embrace it! I love your family traditions for birthdays, thanks for sharing!

  4. Happy Birthday to Dan!!!!! And YUM ... thanks sooo much for sharing that recipe!!!

  5. I will definitely have to try that one. Happy belated birthday to Dan the Man! Great picture of Daci and Grandpa!
