
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Little Change

Dear Followers,

If you comment on my blog, you will notice that as of today there is now a word verification added when you comment. I have really tried to refrain from having one of them on my blog because it's just so much easier to comment without having to type the little password into the verification box.  But, recently I have begun receiving upwards of 200 computer generated "anonymous" comments on my blog posts daily.  It is a royal pain in the patootie to clear that all out each day so, for now we are back to a word verification box.  I hope you will still comment. I enjoy your comments so much and look forward to reading them each post.

You are probably wondering why this photo is on this post.  I don't know.  My daughter, Kori recently shared it on her blog and I liked it, and I really didn't have a photo to share with this post. That's my reason. Ha!  This is me with 2 of my boys, Tannon (left) and Easton (right) as we were going into the Tuachan Amphitheater to watch Easton's wife, Daysha perform earlier this Summer.

Stay tuned for my next post. I'll be sharing the full layouts and class information from the sneaky peeky here.  I think you'll like them!


  1. It sucks to be popular in that comment way!
    The picture is lovely of the three of you, Karen.
    Looking forward to more artwork.
