
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

December Play Group Scrappin' Class Layouts and More Gratitude

One of the three 2-page 12" x 12" layouts we are making in my December Play Group Classes
Before I get started, I wanted to let you know to be sure and check my blog tomorrow for my Black Friday sale information!

Christmas and the holidays are some of my favorite times of the year. There is something about reds and greens together that just makes me feel festive.  The papers we are using for our December Play Group Scrappin' Class layouts (three 2-page 12" x 12" layouts) are just absolutely gorgeous! The Pear & Partridge paper pack is filled with rich greens and reds and elegant patterns.  It can be dressed up or down depending on the look you want.    I would LOVE to have you join us!  For details on how these classes work, just scroll down the left side of my blog until you see the section titled "Play Group Classes" and you can read all about it.

In keeping with the rest of my posts this month, and before I share all the good stuff about December's Play Group classes, I'd like to share something I am grateful for. Today I am EXTRA grateful for holiday breaks!  Because of a good holiday break at Southern Utah University, we get to enjoy having Tannon, Easton and Daysha join us for Thanksgiving!  Tannon arrived a day ago and Easton and Daysha get her tonight. I am so excited!  I love my family and love that most of them will be together for Thanksgiving.  Kori, Rick and kiddos: we will miss you. Have I mentioned lately how NOT grateful I am that you live so far away?  I am also grateful today for the awesome opportunity that I have had to be part of Close To My Heart for almost 20 years. Where did the time go?  I love what I do!

Back to December's Play Groups:

In person class dates and times:
  • Thursday morning, December 6, 10 am - 1 pm in American Fork, UT
  • Thursday evening, December 6, 7-10 pm in Pleasant Grove, UT
You can participate in my Play Group classes in one of three ways:
  1.  Attend a class in person
  2.  Host one in your home with your friends (and earn free product!). Call or email me to schedule your date (801.360.9896,
  3.  Participate long distance. Just add $5 to the kit total you see to have your kit shipped directly  from me to you. (call or email me to order your kit: 801.360.9896,
Here are the three 2-page 12" x 12" layouts we will be making in December (click on any photo to see it larger and in more detail). If you would like to participate, please contact me (801.360.9896, with your kit order no later than Thursday, November 27.  After the layout photos, you'll find the shopping list.  Keep reading...  

Layout #1: Christmas Joy

Layout #1: Detail photo 1

Layout #1: Detail photo 2

Layout #2: Detail photo 3

Layout #2: Ho Ho

Layout #2: Detail photo 1

Layout #2: Detail photo 2

Layout #2: Detail photo 3

Layout #3: Christmas Magic

Layout #3: Detail photo 1

Layout #3: Detail photo 2

Layout #3: Detail photo 3

Shopping Lists (in order to participate in the class, you are only required to purchase the Basic Kit. I personally suggest the Better. That way you'll get all of the bling!)

Basic Kit
Subtotal: $31.76
Total with Shipping and Tax: $36.44 (add $5 more if you are participating long distance)

Better Kit = Basic Kit + the following products (I recommend this kit!)

Subtotal: $51.56
Total with Shipping and Tax: $59.14 (add $5 more if you are participating long-distance)

Best Kit = Basic Kit + Better Kit + the following products  

Subtotal: $68.56*
Total with Shipping and Tax: $78.64 (add $5 more if you are participating long distance)

*at this purchase level ($50 or more)  you qualify for the November Stamp of the Month ("Capture the Date" - $17.95 value) at only $5! 

Don't forget that if you spend $50 and get the Stamp of the Month for $5 during November, you also qualify for any stamp set in the catalog at 1/2 price!  On top of that, $1 of that will go to the Red Cross relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy.


  1. Your layouts are always so lovely. I love the pearl flourish details, and that Magic layout is superb! :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Your play groups must be so much fun!

  3. I love them all, but I am especially fond of your Christmas magic layout - awesome!!

  4. These layouts are lovely! The detail is amazing and I love the many dimensions.
