
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thank You Card and More Blessings

Another day of gratitude makes me happy. I have lots if things to be grateful for today and here are a few of them.

1.  Happy Mail and a sweet friend who sent me this gorgeous thank you card. Thank you, Christine. This card is so cool. It was cut on the Artiste cartridge and then stamped beautifully. What a fun color combo: Goldrush, Whisper and Lagoon.  The actual card slides out to read (as shown in photo). I love the little wooden floral accents she added as well.

Christine's beautiful card

2.  The priviledge of living in a country where I have the right to vote.  I'm proud to exercise that right today. 

Your vote counts.  Please vote for "my guy." Ha!

3. Hats. I didn't want to fix my hair today so on went a hat. Yay for hats!

My hat and I

4.  My Clearfield Ladies:  I have a Scrappin' "Play Group" in Clearfield that meets every other month. Tonight is the night. Excited to see them all! I hope they won't mind my hat. :0P

Clearfield, UT
Happy voting day!


  1. What an awesome place to live! So my children practiced voting at school today and the 4yo picked Goose while the 6yo is still deciding on Duck. After explaining to them that I went to vote today and after being asked who (I voted for), my 6yo replies, after a pause, "You should have voted for Duck." Yeah, he could be right. LOL Have a happy day!

  2. I'm glad you liked the card! And I must say, you are so darn CUTE in a hat! I can see Daci in your smile!

    Many Blessings on you my friend...

  3. Ditto, Christine! And thanks for your vote! ;)
