In June in my Play Group classes we will be making 6 darling pages with the new Close To My Heart Animal Cookies papers. You can see them if you scroll down the left side of my blog. You'll need to scroll past the Tickled Pink layouts and cards then you'll find those stinkin' cute Animal Cookies pages.
The photo I have included today is some other artwork made with Animal Cookies. Cute, cute, cute and cute! You can click on the photo to see it much larger. Do it! The details are so sweet.
Dates and times for June Play Group Classes are listed below. Please email me (pedermom@aol.com) if you would like to come or even buy a kit and participate long distance. I have also included the shopping list for these pages below the dates and times. If you choose to participate in a class (remember, we make six 12 x 12 pages) you are just required to purchase the BASIC package ($26.93 including shipping and tax). Anything you add after that is totally up to you.
June Dates and Times:
Tuesday, June 2, 10 am - 1 pm
Tuesday, June 2, 7 - 10 pm
Wednesday, June 3, 10 am - 1 pm
Thursday, June 4, 7 - 10 pm
Shopping List (must purchase by May 26 for June classes):
You can view all of these items by clicking on the Close To My Heart Idea Book Icon on the left of my blog. Again please remember that you are only required to purchase the Basic Package. After that you can choose to purchase the Better or Best packages, or even just mix and match anything from them or from the Idea Book.
Basic Package
X7112B-Animal Cookies Level 2 Paper Packet $12.95 (pg. 25)
X7112C-Animal Cookies Level 2 My Stickease® $4.95 (pg. 25)
Z1162-Foam Die-Cuts Numbers $3.95 (pg 25)
48" White Daisy Ricrac Ribbon $0.66
Animal Cookies Workshop Guide $1.00
Subtotal $23.51
(total with shipping and tax is $26.93)
Better = Basic Package + this product
Z1282 Summer Craft Buttons $7.50 (pg. 93)
X1406 Hodge Podge Color Ready Alphabet $3.95 (pg. 96)
Z2113 Clover Meadow Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25 (pg. 11)
Z2119 Dutch Blue Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25 (pg. 11)
Z2166 Tulip Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25 (pg. 10)
Z2150 Sunflower Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25 (pg. 11)
Subtotal $55.96
(total with shipping and tax is $64.19. At this level you qualify for the Stamp of the Month [D1349 Be Yourself] at half off [$11.48]. Total with the stamp of the month and shipping and tax is $75.80)
Best = Better Package + this product
C1359 My Acrylix® Sweet Baby $18.95 (pg. 26)
E1003 My Acrylix® Boutique Alphabet $34.95 (pg. 84)
Subtotal $109.86
(at this level you qualify for the Stamp of the month [D1349 Be Yourself] absolutely FREE as well as the Tickled Pink Kit ABSOLUTELY FREE! Your total with shipping and tax is $129.39)
Have a wonderful day!

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