What a deal! For just $25 you get approximately $50worth of popular product! And what's more, you get discounted shipping/handling of just $6 continental US (Shipping/handling discount applies to orders of one goodie box only.).
Head to my website (http://leavealegacy.myctmh.com) TODAY only for this goodie box. Once you're in my website, click on 'shop online' then June Deal of the Day. There should be one more goodie box after this one offered in the Deal A Day special on my website by June 30. Just a reminder, there is some kind of GREAT deal going on every day at my website during June. Be sure to check every day from 9 am to 8 am the next morning, Mountain Time (from 8 am to 9 am the site will be updated with the new deal).
Every goodie box so far that has been offered has been full of AWESOME things!

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