
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Art and Soul - Crossing Borders

I'm back from my 3 day team retreat. Wow, did we have fun or what? The answer is YES! We had a great time together learning, creating and laughing. I just love my Close To My Heart team! Have I ever told you my team name? I can't remember. Well, we are called "The Pacemakers" because "We keep THE HEART (as in Close To My Heart) pumpin'!" How's that for a team name and slogan? I love it!

Now on to the real reason for this post: Close To My Heart's new "Art and Soul" episode is out and you won't want to miss it. It is just over 14 minutes long and focuses on borders...all kinds of borders. In fact, it's even called "Crossing Borders." Click here to watch it on my website ( You'll feel awed and inspired by great techniques and ideas and beautiful artwork on scrapbook pages and cards. You can even get a discount on the featured stamp set. Take a 14 minute break and watch it today!

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