
Monday, September 21, 2009

C(reate) & P(rosper) R(etreat)

I'm home! What a week it was last week. It was beyond crazy but it was all so much fun and so worth it. That said, there is no place like home!

One of the many things I did last week was co-host a retreat (CPR) for my Close To My Heart team with my buddy, Lynette (see Thursday's post called "I'll Be Back"). CPR stood for "Create and Prosper Retreat" and boy did we create! Hopefully after all of the classes, sharing and discussions we had we will all be able to use that information to help us prosper even more in our businesses. The first two photos on this post are our group picture (minus Carey C who had to leave early. You are in the photo in my heart, Carey!) and one of Lynette and I (of course Lynette had her Mt. Dew in hand. Otherwise, how could she have stayed up until 2:30 am scrappin' on Friday night?). You can kind of get a glimpse of our DARLING CPR shirt in the photo of Lynette and I. We got black scrubs for everyone with a cute heart and stethoscope and our Create and Prosper Retreat theme. So darn cute!

Here is a photo of Lynette teaching a photography class. As you can see in the photo, we did not run short on treats and munchies at the retreat in any way, shape or form! Lynette and I split up the teaching responsibilities. We each taught 2 creative classes and 2-3 business classes.
I wanted to share some photos of artwork with you from the retreat. I thought you'd enjoy being there vicariously.

First I thought I'd share a few cards that were brought for a swap at the retreat. They are all awesome! You can click on any photo to see it larger.

Carma H's card (front and inside view):

Maria V's card:

Susann E's card

Heather J's card
Carey C's card
All of their creations were made using Close To My Heart products.

Next I'd like to share two beautiful layouts that were made by my partner in crime, Lynette. She taught these layouts as a class at the retreat and everyone loved them. They both feature the new "Grace" kit in the Autumn/Winter Idea Book (pgs. 16-19)as well as the matching MyStickease and the On Target Dimensional Elements (Z1226, pg94) which happen to be one of my favorite new accessory items. Woo Hoo, Lynette! Beeeee-autiful work, my dear! Both layouts were made using patterns from Close To My Heart's awesome how-to scrapbooking books, Cherish and Imagine (both on page 6).
Lynette also generously provided a packet for each attendee to make this darling 'heart beat' layout to fill with pictures of our retreat. It went perfectly with the CPR theme.

I also taught 2 creative classes. One was the Christmas Card Workshop that I will also be doing with my customers on October 20. You can see photos of that by clicking here. The other is a workshop for our All Sorts Mini-Album (Z1224, pg. 96) and using my fave; the "Jingle" kit (X7115A, X7115B, and X7115C, pages 8-11). I am offering this workshop to my customers on November 17 at either 10 am or 7 pm.

Page one (front cover):
Pages two and three:

Pages four and five:
Pages six and seven:
Pages eight and nine:
Pages ten and eleven:

Page twelve (back cover):
There is so much more I could share, but I think I'll stop here. I hope you had fun hearing and seeing about our CPR! It was wonderful but I am happy to be home.


  1. OMG! All of the artwork is just amazing! You are all so talented!

  2. Oh Karen! What fun!!!! Your team is so very lucky to have you as their leader!
    Love all the artwork and the shirts!
    Fun, fun, Fun!!!!


  3. What an awesome retreat, Karen! I love those scrubs - and the artwork is phenomenal. Thank you for letting me join you through the pictures!! What a blessed team to have such great leaders in the two of you!!

  4. Oh how cute is this All Sorts Album!! It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all! Thank you for sharing, Karen!

  5. love it! and I know your team loves and appreciates all your hard work! Beautiful artwork and I know beautiful souls were motivated beyond words! Don't we just have the best job ever!?!

  6. What an amazing time you all must have had. I love all the projects.

  7. I had such a great time! Thanks for posting pictures especially of Lynette's retreat layout. I didn't take one and haven't put my layout together. Also what was the name of that sparkly spray that you used on the snow flakes?
