
Monday, October 5, 2009

Gingerbread in October

I decided to play with the November Stamp of the Month (D1377-Around the Block) from Close To My Heart this weekend (as a Consultant, I can get it early!). I will share this set with you along with several more artwork examples using it in November when you are able to buy it or earn it free.

I thought the house from the set could be made to look like a gingerbread house so decided to emboss it on Brown Bag Cardstock (X5644) with White Daisy Embossing Powder (Z673). I loved the look! Then I used a Round Sponge (Z697) and my Chocolate Stamp Pad (Z2111) to add some shading to make the 'gingerbread' look a little more cooked in some places than others. Again, loved it! After adding a few brads (Twinkle Brads-Z1220 and Holiday Mini-Medley Accents-Z1121) in holiday colors I got really excited! I knew the perfect paper pack to go with this yummy gingerbread creation was our Jingle Level 2 Paper Pack (X7115B). I made the 6" x 6" card in the middle and the standard card on the left. My daughter, Kori made the standard card on the right (cute, huh?!!). We used a couple of last week's sketches for our inspiration. Unfortunately we didn't get the cards finished and pictures taken in time to post them on the sketch sites, but we had fun using the sketches all the same. Thanks to last week's Mojo Monday sketch, Card Patterns sketch and CPS sketch for inspiration! Thanks also to Martha Stewart for making such a stinkin' cute snowflake punch! I had fun using it on my cards.

Other than the snowflake punches on the cards, all products are Close To My Heart. Click here to order from my website 24/7...even when you're creating gingerbread houses in October!

Speaking of October...I had to share a DARLING Halloween decoration that I bought with some of my birthday money this year. I just put it out today and I LOVE it!


  1. I don't know that I could even come up with one word...I am speechless! That is the most fantastic idea I have seen! You rock Miss Karen!!

  2. Great cards Karen! I really like the 'gingerbread' look :)

  3. Adorable! Love the gingerbread idea!

  4. Gingerbread house...BRILLIANT!!!!! I bow to you....

  5. STOP IT!?! Really? Seriously awesome. Love those. Will have to be lifting that one my friend!

  6. Karen, I LOVE these cards! I have been playing around with trying to do a gingerbread house with this set too, but yours are amazing! I am going to have to try it now with the brown bag CS. You are brilliant! *Ü*

  7. OMGOOOOOOODESS!!!! SIMPLY INCREDIBLE! I never would have eve thought to make this set into gingerbread.

    Time to pull out the ol' brown bag cs that has been gathering dust in my scrap closet for YEARS. I hear a project calling my name. :)

  8. Oh my goodness! I haven't played with that stamp set yet, but wow, what a great idea, gingerbread! Fabulous! Great job with the sketches.

  9. Who would've thought....gingerbread houses??? U R 2 SMART!!!

  10. You are so creative, Karen! I owndered about this set - who would even think gingerbread house? Fabulous cards!

  11. MMmmmm... yummy gingerbread! Love them!

  12. you are on FIRE!!! so hot! thank you for always inspiring that creative drive! hugs!

  13. Wow! These are gorgeous! I am sure this set will sell like wildfire with this idea. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration with us.

  14. YUMMY! You continually amaze me with your creativity and ability to do so much. Can't wait to try these for myself. Thanks for the great idea.

  15. love it! i am waiting for mine :) I want to "cheat" and make a haunted house with mine...i have it all in my brain and NO stamp! lol! :) STINKIN' Cute!

  16. Karen, you amaze me! Love the gingerbread idea with the stamp of the month! I hope you don't mind if I get inspired by you *wink*

  17. How FUN!!!!! At least these Gingerbread Houses are non-fat and low calorie...hey, you BURN calories making these...LOL.

    Thank you so much for the inspiration.

  18. Wow. Love these cards! What a neat technique.
