
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tears, tears and more tears

This is my 2nd post today. Be sure to scroll down to the first one to see some artwork.

So after I posted my first post, I started going through some old photos and found some that made me cry! As you know, my Easton is on a mission for our church. He will be home in 3 1/2 more months (after being gone for over 20 months now). I am so excited to get him home, although I wouldn't wish away the final few months of his mission for anything. He has had such an amazing experience. But, as you also know, I really miss him.

I found a photo of he and his best friend, Trevor in 6th grade. They have been playing football together since 5th grade and will be playing together in college at Southern Utah University next year.

Then I found one of he and Trevor about the time they graduated from high school, about 6 months before leaving on their missions. Aren't they handsome?

If that didn't bring tears, the one I found next did. Here is one of Easton and I and several of his buddies (including Trevor) and their 'dates.' All of the boys in this photo are all currently on missions. These boys decided before leaving for their missions they wanted to go on a big group date with their moms. They took us out to dinner and then to see the movie/musical "Hairspray". I will never forget this night. It was the sweetest thing for these boys to do.

l-r: Brenen and his mom (Brenen is serving his mission in Paraguay), Easton and I (E is in Houston-Spanish speaking mission), Trevor and his mom (Trevor is serving in Canada) and Tyler and his mom (Tyler is serving in Dallas, TX).
Tears, tears and more tears. But they are happy tears. I love this kid and am so proud of him.


  1. Oh how proud you must be of this fine young man. Kudos to you and your husband for raising such a person.Here is hoping the time flies before he comes home.Blessings

  2. What a beautiful post. You are a lucky lady to have such a handsome son, and he is very lucky to have such a loving mama.

  3. Oh, what a blessed young man to have a mother that loves him this much! I am hoping for you that time flies and Easton is home and going to college!

  4. This post made me cry! I can't wait for him to come home but at the same time I am so proud of him!

  5. Sweet pictures. I could cry for you.

  6. What a fun night (the boys taking their Mom's on dates) You have to be proud that your son has such a great group of friends who have all been a great example to each other!

  7. Tears of Joy are a good thing! Youa re such an amazing mom that I dont think your kids will ever forget! They are all very lucky to have you in their lives.

  8. So dang cute! I love the pics, and I love that they are still best friends, there's nothing like having your best friend forever! I can't believe it's only 3 1/2 more months, wowzers! Hey, so see you on Wednesday okay!
