
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good News and Bad News

The past few days I found myself smiling one second and crying the next. Why? Because one of my boys (Tannon) and his team won and the others (Dawson and Coach Dan the Man) lost. I am not a good loser. You would never guess that, right? :)

(LOVE this picture! Check out the sweat coming down the front of his jersey and the scab on the elbow.)

Bad news first: The Freshmen Knights played their first game in the league playoffs today and lost to Timpanogos. Dang! That's it until next year.
Good news: Dawson had an interception and SEVERAL tackles. YIPEEE!

Dan the Man:
(Dan contemplating life without coaching one of his boys)

Bad news: He has coached or helped coach each of our boys through 8th grade, and has had the opportunity to help coach Dawson through 9th. I think realizing today after the loss that this is the last time he will coach his 'little' boys was an emotional thing for him. Poor Dan the Man.

(Tannon directing traffic before a pass)

We played our last regular season game on Thursday night against Copper Hills High School We won 41-7. Tannon was 17-18 passing, 0 int's, and 2 passing TD's. We finish the regular season 2nd in our region and 3rd in the state (the 1st place team in our region is 2nd in the state, and the state 4th place team is in our region too. Our region is like the SEC of Utah high school football!). So we begin the state playoffs next Friday, Oct. 30 against West Jordan. Go Knights!


  1. I love hte way you share. My heart goes out to you - and Dan. I am sure this will not be easy for him!

  2. glad you had such a fun year with your for this coaches wife...i am REALLY glad our season is! LOL...well for the most part My hubby has a few (really...only 2) sr's who i felt bad for ... but that is it..LONG year! your a good supportive mom :)

  3. Karen,

    I always enjoy reading your blog, but never tell you. So, I decided tonight I would drop a quick note and let you know. Thanks for always bringing a smile to my face!

