
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Takin' a Break

Hello, Bloggers! I appreciate SO MUCH those of you who stop by, enjoy my blog, and leave kind comments. THANK YOU.

I have decided to take a little break this week. My house is in dire need of one week of uninterrupted attention. I have decided that this is the week. You've heard of Spring Cleaning? Well, this is Autumn Organizing! So, I will be back next Monday, November 2.

I have determined to stay away from the computer this week while I organize, clean, throw away, donate stuff we don't need to local charities, etc. I will get so much more done that way. So please forgive me if I don't comment on your blogs this week or post on my own. It's not because I am not thinking of you. It's because I am determined to know where every little thing is in my house. When Dan the Man asks me where the bandaids are, I don't want to just say, "Somewhere in the cabinet in the bathroom." I want to be able to say, "In the bathroom cabinet on the 2nd shelf in the right hand corner." Ya know? My house used to be like that when the kids were little, but as they have grown up and life has gotten out of control busy, I kind of lost that organization. I'm trying to get it back! For me, with order comes sanity, and I fear I have lost it. I am on a quest to get it back! tee hee.

Just know that kind thoughts are coming your way as I de-junk.

Have a GREAT week! Now if I could just get my grout as white as the grout in this picture...


  1. Good luck. I should do the same. Maybe soon!

  2. Good for you! I had hoped to do the same thing in the summer but didn't quite get to it. Hopefully next summer!

  3. good luck! :) i know the feeling! have fun organizing...

  4. Karen, No need to apologize. We all need to de-clutter and re-organize sometimes. I feel the same way as you do. I plan to take a voluntary layoff from work this winter and do the same thing! I always feel much better in a clean and organized house!

    Good luck and we look forward to your return!

  5. Karen, I appreciate that you need to do this. I spent much time over the summer simplifying, and it was good for my soul - and peace of mind. Find joy in what you are doing (and it is there) and see you next week!

  6. You go girl! We'll miss you, but know you are better for it. - grins -

  7. Ah a girl after my own heart. I have been fall cleaning and spring cleaning all my life. Have fun!

  8. First, I have to say, I LOVE your blog! You're so talented! I get so exicted when you have a new post:-) Second, thanks for the motivation! After visiting your blog Monday, I decided I should really do the same thing (although I only dedicated 2 days to it) and on Monday I cleaned out all my kitchen cupboards (how can I stockpile so much stuff???).

  9. Hi Karen, I've emailed you a couple of times today. Did they come through? Not sure why yours is bouncing back either. Weird, huh?

  10. Can't wait til your back! Good luck with the cleaning, how about coming to my house next, hee hee!

  11. Good luck, I'm rootin' for ya! "With Order comes Sanity". Must explain why I'm so danged crazy. Hee hee!

  12. Ok you-I see you just changed your wallpaper-so you are still on the computer! Are you caught up? I know I never am!
