
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Farmers, a Chicken and some Scotcheroos

I'm baaaaaaa-ck! Well, mostly! Part of me is still wishing I had another week I could take off. I did A LOT of cleaning and organizing this week, but I am not nearly where I want to be. The whole main floor is done (this includes taking everything out of every cupboard, drawer, closet, buffet, bakers rack, and armoire, wiping down, cleaning, sorting, throwing away, etc.). WOO HOO! The upstairs is about half way done. The basement has not even been started...we won't even mention the garage. BUT, the good news is that I made progress! YIPEEE! I hope to take another week sometime in November (maybe the week of Thanksgiving) and another in December. How good would it feel to have a perfectly clean and organized home?

Anyway, I thought I'd share a couple of things from this week that didn't involve 4-O9, windex, comet or large trash bags.

1. We won our first round state 5A football playoff game against West Jordan High School 27-6. Tannon did great. He was 18-27 for about 300 yards and 3 TD (and 1 int. Darn!). We play Hunter High School in the quarterfinals this coming Friday. Go LONE PEAK KNIGHTS!

2. Our daughter, Kori, her hubby, Rick and their little one, Daci came over the trick or treat. Daci was dressed like a little chicken. Kori and Rick came as farmers. TOO CUTE!

3. I also made some of my family's favorite treats yesterday afternoon. I made a big pot of chicken, broccoli and wild rice soup and a batch of Scotcheroos. Does your family love these too? They are a peanut butter rice krispie treat with chocolate and butterscotch on top. I always make a big batch (the recipe I am sharing here is a double recipe. I put it in my biggest jelly roll pan). Enjoy!

from Karen Pedersen (makes a large jelly roll pan full)

Bring to a boil for about 30 seconds:
2 C. white corn syrup
2 C. sugar

Remove from heat and stir in:
2 C. peanut butter

Then stir in:
12 C. Rice Krispies

Press this into a large buttered jelly roll pan. I find it easiest to put a sandwich baggie on my hand with a little butter on it to press this into the pan. That way I don't burn my little fingers!

Melt (you can do this in the microwave or in a double boiler on the stove)
1 large bag of milk chocolate chips
2/3 of a bag of butterscotch chips

Spread over the top.

I always cut mine now because once they harden up they are harder to cut. Let set until chocolate/butterscotch layer is firm (I put mine in the fridge for about 30 minutes because we can't stand to wait any longer than that!). Cut and EAT!

I hope you all had a Happy Halloween and a very productive week too!


  1. Yes...we love scotcheroo's. I had never heard of them until I married my mil would send them to her boys when they were all on missions. I am glad you had a productive week! :)

  2. Glad you got so much done! Daci is too cute (as always). Thanks for the recipe. We haven't made these before- probably because if we make them we will eat them ALL!

    I left you something on my blog ( :)

  3. Glad you are back. I caught you looking at my blog a couple times. I was so flattered knowing you took the week off hehe! Anyway I am naming this Tackle it November and I am going to clean and finish a couple projects and blog about it. We will see how it goes!

  4. I loved the halloween pic with Daci and the "farmers". Very cute idea!

    I've never tried Scotcheroos but they sound like something my family would like. I also would love to try your soup. Would you mind sharing the recipe with us?

    I'm glad you're "back". Missed your creations.

    Cathy P

  5. Great photos! Daci is adorable!
    And definitely scotcheroos are a staple at our house...for EVERY family get-together!

  6. so happy you are back! You were missed!!! Hugs to you!!! Happy FALL!

  7. YUMMY!!! So glad you pointed me to this blog post! I love butterscotch and chocolate and anything rice-crispyish!!!!
