
Monday, November 16, 2009

Glitter Rubons

I am not sure how well you can see the sparkle in the photo, but trust me, it's there...and it's gorgeous in person! I love these blingy new rubons (Glitter Rubons - Z1222) from Close To My Heart. They come in a package with two 6" x 12" sheets of clear sticky rubons and 3 sheets of colorful glitter transfer paper (3 different colors). I have used all 3 on this simple card (olive, twilight and silver).

You can watch a brand new webisode (The Sparkle of the Season) of "Art and Soul" here. It features the Glitter Rubons and shows you how to use them. You'll die when you see the gorgeous snowflake layout featured. Delicious! Take a minute (okay, about 14 minutes) to go and watch. You won't be sorry you did. You can even get a discount on our great "Heartfelt Christmas" stamp set (use item #AS1019 for the discount. You'll just love the reindeer stamp!) while you are there. This set is usually $18.95 and is yours for the great price of $16.00 if you use this number. The "Art and Soul" episode I am referring to also shows you some great ideas using this set and watercolor pencils. Yummy!

Close To My Heart products used: Twilight Cardstock (X5666), White Daisy Cardstock (1385), Olive Cardstock (1245), Glitter Rubons (Z1222), 3D Foam Tape (Z1151).

Click here to order from my website 24/7...before, during or after watching "Art and Soul."


  1. So need to order those! That card looks awesome!

  2. This is beautiful. I posted a card very similar to this the other day..but yours is SO much prettier. These rub ons are not the easiest things to manage :-)

  3. So beautiful! The simplicity of the card makes it so elegant!

  4. Gorgeous!!!! I just ordered these rub I can't wait till they get here! Your card is stunning!

  5. Beautiful!! I need to get brave and try them. TFS!

  6. Sooo cool. I have not been on-line too much these last few days so I am way behind. Hope things are going good for you.

  7. i have been waiting to see these in "action." Such beautiful rub-ons and such a beautiful card!

  8. beautiful!! i have them, i just need to use them!!! you have inspired ME!!! :)

  9. BEAUTIFUL!! Just love ALL of your artwork and your blog! I've left something for you on my blog! Hope you hop on over to pick it up! ;)
