
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Photos and Questionnaires

Saturday was photo day for the Lone Peak Varsity Basketball Team (first game is the day before Thanksgiving...can't wait!). This year I was in charge of the questionnaires the guys fill out that are published in our media guide below each player's individual photo. It was so much fun! Here are a few photos of some of the guys busily working on filling out the coolest questionnaire of the year.

For fun, I thought I'd share the questions I asked this year and my son, Tannon's responses. Feel free to copy and paste a few of the questions into a comment and give answers of your own. It would be fun for me to read about you!

1. I started playing basketball: in 3rd grade
2. I wear my jersey number because of: my brother, Easton.
3. My pre-game rituals are: music, get pumped, rain.
4. A basketball player I look up to: Kobe Bryant.
5. My favorite basketball memory so far: winning the state championship my Sophomore year
6. The sportscaster I'd most like to hear call my highlights: Stuart Scott
7. Other sports I played when I was younger: baseball, football
8. Other varsity sports I play: football.
9. My favorite songs that pump me up before basketball are: Ghetto Soldier, Riot Maker
10. My favorite teacher has been: Mrs. Dalton
11. An interesting class I have take in school is: Ancient World History
12. If I had a chance to teach a class, the subject would be: Aerobics
13. The best book I have recently read is: Harry Potter
14. My favorite movie: Transformers
15. My favorite fast food to eat: KFC
16. My favorite non-athletic memory of Lone Peak is: Backstreet Kids
17. My best non-athletic talent: dancing
18. Nobody would believe I watch: Gossip Girl
19. The person (people) I admire most is/are: My dad and my grandpas
20. If I could invite 3 people to dinner they would be: Brody Berry, Justin Hamilton, Kobe Bryant
21. The most enjoyable thing I did this past summer was: win the BYU 7 on 7 passing tournament
22. My plan after graduation is: serve a 2 year LDS mission
23. For my future profession I want to be: heir to the throne
24. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Edward
25. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie: Angelina

1 comment:

  1. Who was the team Edward influence? LOL. Great questions! I always think it is great when we get a peek inside our teenagers brains.
