
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Heart Breaker

Last night had to have been the most emotional football game that I have ever witnessed. And, if my son wasn't the QB for the losing team, I would say the BEST football game that I have ever watched.

We lost in 4OT's. Yep, you heard it, FOUR OT's. Have you ever seen a four overtime football game? I certainly hadn't. The final score was 45-37. Tannon threw 5 touchdowns and played his heart out, as did the rest of the team. The game lasted 3 1/2 hours and everyone (including the fans) was absolutely physically and emotionally exhausted at the end. It was sad after a game like that that anyone had to lose. Both teams played their hearts out. I'll never forget watching my son stand alone on the field after the game until every player but himself had gone, crying and trying so hard to pull it together. I'll never forget watching that and then having him come over to us as we waited and put his arms around me as we both cried together. I'll never forget this night. I'll never forget how hard he battled and how much of his heart he left on that field. Tannon, you are a winner no matter what the score said at the end of the game.

Congratulations to a tough and tenacious Hunter team on the win.

T-man, my heart broke for you last night and as I sit here typing this I have tears running down my face. There is nothing harder for a mother than watching her boy hurt so badly. I am so proud of you, for the determination and confidence you played with this year, for leading your team to the quarterfinals of the state playoffs, and for being the person you are. I love you!


  1. I'm so sorry for your and his loss. I seriously think being the mom is so hard sometimes. You're such a great one and he is so lucky to have such a supportive family behind him win or lose. On to bigger and better things for this boy.

  2. So sorry to hear of the losing score, but glad that no one was hurt! Knowing that he played his best and fought hard will hopefully bring some satisfaction over time and ease the sting of the score. I hesitate to say "loss" because of how hard the boys all played. That's what it's all about!

  3. i feel your pain..:( sounds like it was an amazing game! best of luck to your son with his football college career! <3

  4. Karen,

    My heart goes out to you all! It sounds like it was an amazing game and that they all played their hearts out - that's what counts! I wish Tannon well with the next stage! He's so lucky to have such a wonderful and supportive family - especially his TERRIFIC MOM!!!


  5. I have never met you or your family - I am CTMH consultant in Canada and I enjoy weekly (daily) reading of your blog and the updates of your kids. I have to say I was very excited for you both about last nights big game. And while I was not there, I am so sorry for you that you did not come out on the winning end (The score board winning end that is). I know that through reading Tannon is an incredible young man and that your love for him is about as intense as any mother's. The fact that at the end of the game after everyone had left the field he came to you and put his arms around you says it all.

    You have an amazing son who played his heart out this season - winning against teams that were undefeated. Not only playing but leading his team as the QB. Unfortunately, last night after 4 OT's the score board showed the other team won.

    As a mother we want nothing more than the best for our children and we want them to never be hurt. I think that there are big things in Tannon's life yet to come and this defeat is a part of the path that will lead him there. In the end he will know that his Mother and Family will always be there for him cheering him on all the way.

    My heart breaks for you and your son and family, but know that you can all hold your heads high as you did the best you could!


    Kim Harper

  6. Hi Karen,
    My husband went to that game and came home and told me how impressed he was with Tannon. He said he did awesome and really fought hard. What an upset. I am so sorry to hear the news. Out here in little old Grantsville everything revolves around the High school sports and it is so sad to see those outgoing seniors when they know this is the last game especially if you are the mom. Tell Tanner how impressed my husband was with him. He is the High School baseball coach and helps with football out here. You have raised some very good children and I have been so impressed with your family.
    Jolynn Anderson

  7. So sorry for the team's loss. However, Tannon sounds like an amazing player and person, you deserve to be a proud mom!

  8. You showed your heart as a mother in this post. How blessed Tannon was to be able to come to you for support after such an exhausting game. Albeit stung with the agony of defeat, what a tremendous memory of so many combined loves.

  9. Nothing but GIANT TEXAS hugs coming up your way -- for both of you! Best of luck to Tannon in his next adventure, but it sounds like he's going to do "TANFABULOUS!" :D

  10. Oh, man that sucks for you and Tanner. But all I could think about as I read your post was what an amazing character building experience. He will never forget that game. And he knew that he could come over to you at the end and just let it all out and you'd be there for him. That's what it's all about! Good job Mom & Tanner!

  11. I saw it on the news. Oh MAN, that really IS a HEARTBREAKER!!!! But it seems like sometimes we gain more through our losses (or at least we recognize more because of them) than through our wins. I hope he is so proud of his amazing accomplishments this year. You're the best mom EVER!
