
Friday, November 6, 2009

Off we go...

The hot chocolate is made and in thermoses, the blankets are folded and in the car, the coats and gloves are ready, the hand warmers are...oh dear! we are out of hand warmers. I hope it doesn't get too cold.

What does this sound like to you? A family getting ready to go camping? NOPE! It is a family getting ready to head to the quarterfinal Utah state 5A football game (Lone Peak Knights vs. Hunter Wolverines). GO KNIGHTS! Go TAN-MAN!

The anticipation of a big game just about does me in. My stomach is full of butterflies, I can't concentrate, I am praying that Tannon does his best and comes home in one piece, and am hoping for a BIG WIN! Stay tuned...


  1. I hope for a win for Tannon too. What is the square on top of your cocoa? Looks like butter.

  2. Good luck! I will have to watch the news tonight!

  3. What a sad game! I am still heartbroken. Too bad T's awesome season had to end like that. Bummer.
