
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bits and Pieces and THE COUNDOWN BEGINS

Bits and Pieces:
I am participating in a swap group called the Humble Artists. We are a small group of Close To My Heart Consultants and I was honored to be invited. I just completed my first swap card but one of the rules of the group is that we can't post our cards on our blogs until they have all been sent out and received by our swap hostess. Darn! So, I decided instead of showing you the whole card (which I will do when the rules allow), I'd just share a couple of bits and pieces of it. That's not breaking the rules, right? I hope not because I really am a certified rule follower (just ask my sometimes exasperated hubby, Dan the Man).

I used the brand new CTMH Veranda papers to make this card. LOVE elegant and soft. I also really love those new Spring Blossom Just Blooms Paper Flowers and the brand new Filigree Charms.

So, I hope you enjoy these little bits and pieces and that they might even just make you look forward to the whole shebang later. I'll even post some of the cards that I get back in this, my very first swap with the Humble Artists. I can't wait to see them myself! I feel like a little girl at Christmas time. I can hardly wait to get them. Isn't it true that it's the small and simple things that make life so much fun?

The Countdown Begins: There is ONE very BIG thing coming up in my life that I have no doubt will be AWESOME! That is the fact that Easton is coming home from his 2 year mission on January 26...that means 20 more days! The countdown begins. Since he is serving in Houston I thought a countdown (like the space shuttles) would be appropriate. We are at 20, Houston. And, we don't have a problem.

Click here to order from my website 24/7...even when you feel a bit like you're going to pieces, or when you're needing something fun an creative to do while you're involved in your own countdown.


  1. Your card, what is showing, is gorgeous Karen. How exciting for you that you were asked to be part of that special group.

    And 20 days? So neat.

  2. Looks good! Those lucky Humble Artists to have you join them!

  3. Karen, I am a CTMH consultant also and I've been following your blog for a few months now. Your artwork is AMAZING. Thanks so much for sharing.

    I'm so excited for your family that your son is coming home after 2 YEARS of being away! How do you stand that as a mother?

  4. unreal card! And we can just see bits and pieces. I am SOOOO thrilled for you to have Easton home. I can't even imagine (have goose bumps thinking about it). Can't wait to see pics of your reunion!

  5. Wow, can't wait to get my very own piece of artwork from you! Looks awesome! And look who's taking over my "keener" title... I haven't even started mine yet! ;)

  6. Beautiful card! I'm counting down with you!!

  7. lovin' the bits and pieces!! gorgeous! now...let the countdown begin!! woohoo! so excited for you and your family!

  8. Boy I cannot wait to see the rest of it. I hope it isn't breaking the rules either because I love the anticipation!

    Very excited to hear that your young man will be coming home in just a few short weeks! Oh I just looked less that two weeks...Yippee.

  9. I am SOOOO glad to be in this elite Humble Artist group! I shall do a countdown myself. Getting beautiful cards very soon!
    Can it be Easton's been gone two whole years? So glad for you that he is coming home!
    Ps. I can't believe your cards are done for this swap. But thanks-now I know what kit NOT to use.

  10. Love what I see. Can't wait to see the rest.

  11. this paper really makes great cards. So do you!

  12. Gorgeous sneaky peeky....can't wait to see the whole thing:-)

  13. Oh I just love the bits and pieces!! I can't wait to see the whole thing. It looks beautiful!
