
Friday, January 8, 2010

So Excited and 18 More Days

I'm so excited that American Idol is coming back next week. There are 2 reality shows that I am totally and unashamedly addicted to: American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance. I LOVED that SYTYCD had 2 seasons this past year. I was spoiled. I would love it if AI did the same thing (by the way, you know you're addicted to a show when you start talking in initials!). I can't wait to see what kind of a judge Ellen is. I'm sad she didn't judge auditions which means we don't get to see her until Hollywood week.

I'm already wondering,"Who's life will change? Where will they be from? Will it be a boy or a girl this year? Will Simon continue to wear black, white or grey t-shirts each week? Will Randy come up with a new catch phrase? Will I love anyone as much as I did David Archuleta two years ago? Will my two AI buddies (hello Kim and Tracey!) agree or disagree with my picks?" So many things to wonder about!

In case you are still reading, I thought I'd just quietly mention that the countdown continues...EASTON GETS HOME IN 18 MORE DAYS! I think I will pick him up at the airport and bring him home for his welcome home dinner and then promptly make him watch AI with me!


  1. I love AI and have been faithfully watching for the past 5 years. I agree with you on David Archuleta. What a cutie pie and so talented. I loved that season.

  2. I am so excited for Idol too!!! I will miss Paula a little bit....It just won't be the same without her!

  3. OH Karen!! I am sooo excited for you to sooon have your Missionary home! that is sooo cool! my nephew has been out 5 months...he is the FIRST in his family and his mom is just dying missing him right now! Hope the next few weeks FLY!!!

  4. Karen, what a CUTEY Easton is! I can't comment on AI because I am not really a TV watcher. (Only watch Army Wives as it is what helped Zach & me during hubby's deployments.) The next "few days" will FLY by!!!! You'll be reuniting with your son...and I'll be recuperating/recovering from the Houston Chevron/Aramco Marathon. (I'm running the half.) Your day will be MUCH more fun -- and not painful! HA!

  5. I have to say that I LOVE your blog! I just found it and I love seeing other people's talents. You for one are very talented in your paper crafting! I love getting new idea's! I don't get to do it much with young children but when I do I love that there are blogs out there help refresh my brain :) Also...How exciting that your Missionary comes home! That is such a wonderful thing!

  6. Karen, what a wonderful feeling to know that Easton will be home soon! I can feel the excitement and love in your writing - what a lucky young man!
    I was just thinking the other day about AI and wondering if you and I would have the same picks again. It's always interesting! I am not sure what I think of Ellen joining in, but I think she'll be kind to the contestants. It will be fun to watch again, that's for sure!

  7. Hi Karen,
    I cannot image not seeing my son for 2 years. I am sure he is just as anxious!
    So share with us, what's for dinner his first night home? I know what my son would want - Chicken casserole, homemade applesauce and Chocolate chip cookies.

    stamping hugs,

  8. Oh yes yes yes yes. I will totally agree with your picks!!! Wasn't S.Y.T.Y.C.D. awesome this year!!??? But I thought Molly should have lasted a bit longer. She was awesome. Let the AI discussions begin. And 18 days!? I can't believe it. That is SO exciting!
