
Saturday, January 2, 2010


Don't worry. There's art in this post. Keep reading...

Today I am cheating. I have had great intentions to create some more art this week with some of the brand new and mouth wateringly gorgeous papers and stamps that just came out in the Close To My Heart Spring 2010 Idea Book (you can view it by clicking on the book on the left side of my blog). But, instead of following up on that great intention, I got involved in all of the bowl games yesterday and just vegged instead. I do not regret it. There was some GREAT football yesterday. I especially enjoyed the LSU/Penn State game in the Capitol One Bowl. Whichever team you were cheering for, you couldn't help but be excited by the ending, the crazy weather and players covered in mud. Man, I love football. In my next life I want to be a ferocious linebacker. I can't imagine more of a rush that hitting someone while using all of my momentum charging full steam ahead.

Back to the cheating. I am doing that today by sharing some GORGEOUS artwork with the four new Close To My Heart kits created by the Close To My Heart art department. Don't worry. It's legal. I have permission. So technically, I guess it's not actually cheating. But, it kind of feels like it. After viewing this you might feel that never again will my artwork measure up. I'll take that chance because I am just dying to show you these great kits.

You can click on any of the artwork photos to see them larger so you can really soak in all of the beautiful details. Also, I have linked each of the products and kits mentioned to their page on my website so you can see them and read about each of them. I hope that will be helpful.

New Kit #1: Topstitch (you probably saw the cards I posted using this kit earlier this week. If not, click here and here). I love the soft, sweet feel of this kit. It would be great for little girl pages and big girl pages alike. Click here to see Topstitch kit options. Close To My Heart colors: Heavenly Blue, Baby Pink, Chocolate, White Daisy. Awesome accessories to match: Soft Suede Pinwheels, Soft Set Eyelets (chocolate and colonial white), and Metal Brad Assortment.

How cute are those suede flowers you can see on the layout? SO CUTE! I also love how they have used a round sponge and a chocolate stamp pad to antique distress the edges of almost everything. It gives everything so much more personality and dimension, don't you think?

New Kit #2: You Rock. As rockin' as this kit is in this photo, it is even better in person. I did play with this kit a bit this week (but haven't finished those projects) and am so excited about putting photos of my studly boys on this great paper. Click here to see You Rock kit options. Close To My Heart colors: Goldrush, Indian Corn Blue, Olive, Outdoor Denim and Sunflower. Great coordinating accessories: Top Coats Rockin', Remarks Glitter Rubons
You can see the great use of the Rockin' Top Coats on many of the artwork pieces you see here. I love 'em! To see them up close and to read a little bit about of them, be sure to click on them in the section above. Isn't this a perfect teenage boy kit?

New Kit #3: Veranda. Did you see "Somewhere in Time"? I loved that movie and this kit makes me feel just like I did when I saw it. I guess if I could describe it in one word I would use 'elegant.' Click here to see the kit options and the artwork below. You'll see what I mean. Close To My Heart colors: Creme Brulee, Cocoa, Juniper and Garden Green. Great add-on accesory ideas: Just Blooms Spring Blossom Paper Flowers, Filigree Charms.
See what I mean about elegant? Again, I love the use of sponges and stamp pads to distress and antique the edges of so much of this artwork. This is something I do on almost everything I make. Don't you just love the clusters of accents they've created in the corner of the layout and on the top card? Clusters are in!

New Kit #4: Caboodle. GREAT for boy pages, girl pages, beach pages, Summer or Spring pages, just about anything! Click here to see Caboodle kit options. Close To My Heart colors: Buttercup, Crystal Blue, Sorbet, Sweet Leaf and Vanilla Cream. Great add-on accessories: Irresistibles Lots of Dots (LOVE this new product. You can see a page I used them on here), Tiny Tabs.
Like I said, one of my favorite new products are the Irresistibles Lots of Dots letters. You can see them used on the layout ("down") and the top card ("play"). These little puppies are white with little raised polka dots. You can color them any color you'd like with marker or a sponge and a stamp pad. The polka dots resist the color and stay white. Brilliant!

I hope you're having a great New Year's weekend. I'm spending today watching Tannon play in a basketball game, watching a few more bowl games, and getting my hair colored (hooray! No more skunk stripe down the middle of my head!).

Click here to order from my website 24/7...whether your ordering new products or some of your old faves.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful kits! I have to say I LOOOOOOOVE football as well!! I really enjoyed that LSU/Penn St. game as well!! Lovin' the bowl season, but hopin' one day the BCS will wake up and see the MWC needs to be a part of it.
