
Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Magic Moment

The picture says it all. I just love this photo of Kori and Daci on Christmas. You can see the joy and excitement of a child opening a gift and the love of a mother who is enamored with her little girl. I love both of these 'little girls' so much!

By the way, Tannon and the Lone Peak Knights played Timpanogos High School yesterday and won. Tan Man had 23 points. GO KNIGHTS!


  1. What a beautiful picture! It sure must make it easy to scrapbook when you have such lovely photos!

    Great job Tannon - not only a Football player, but also basketball - you must be so proud!

    Happy New Year:)

  2. That is a wonderful photo! You always have GREAT photos anyway! :)

    Congrats to Tannon! Way to go!!! :)

  3. Isn't it the best??? Look at that darlin' sweet baby girl! Life is good, huh girlfriend?
