
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Reunion (lots of photos)

I find myself with time to post this morning. Easton had people coming and going last night until after 4 a.m. so he is still tucked snuggly in bed and probably will be for hours. That gives me time to share our excitement from yesterday with all of you before we head out to find E some shoes without holes in them today.

FUNNY STORY from the airport (at least it is now. Not so funny at the time): We decided just to take the family to the airport. I had tons of his friends, cousins, etc. who asked to go and, being the mean mom that I am, I told them to wait and come over later that night. I wanted some time just with immediate family before we were bombarded with people coming over to see him (which was fun by the way, but I'm so glad it was just us at the airport). So it was Dan and I, Tannon, (Dawson had a league basketball game his coach didn't want him to miss, so he was waiting at the door when we got home), Rick, Kori, Daci, and my parents. Dan's dad is a missionary at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City and didn't get off until 9 pm so he drove down to the house after that.

Back to the story...we got to the airport and got us all in and ready. We were holding our signs and couldn't wait to see him come down the elevator. There were 5 other missionaries on E's flight. We watched all of them come down the escalator and reunite with their families. But, still no E. What the heck? We asked one of them where he was and they said, "No worries. He stopped at the bathroom and he'll be here in a sec." K. 20 minutes later....still no Easton. We are getting worried. I am now considering running up the down escalator, risking being shot by security, and finding my long, lost son. Right about this time one of us (can't remember who at this point) shouts, "There he is!" We see him walking down the hall from a whole different terminal toward us, not even coming down the escalators where he was supposed to be. I guess he had come out of the bathroom and accidentally gone to the baggage claim in terminal one instead of terminal two, which was the one for his flight. He went to the terminal one claim and wondered why his family wasn't there to meet him. He finally went up to an airport worker and explained his situation. After hearing what flight he had come in on, he was able to direct him our way.

When I saw him sauntering up the hall, I dropped my sign and sprinted. I jumped in his arms. Silly boy! Nothing like a dramatic entrance, right?

Last night has to be one of my favorite experiences in life this far. Reuniting with a son I haven't seen for 2 years was pure heaven. Thanks to all of you for sharing this wonderful moment with my family and me!

Tannon (so happy his bro is about to appear, or so he thinks):

l-r: Grandma O (holding e sign), Me, Grandpa O (behind Tannon), Tannon, Rick, Daci, Dan. WAITING!
(Kori took the photo)

Rick showing Daci where Uncle Easton will appear (or so we thought):
Grandma O, Daci, Rick and Me (where the heck is he?). As you can see I am now beginning to feel very bugged. My mom, on the other other, is still standing there with a smile on her face feeling optimistic.:
Rick, Daci and Kori. Daci praciticed her wave all week for Uncle E. She performed like a champ.:
Dan. "Here's your sign!" (think Bill Engvall. lol):
Easton reunites with his daddy. Bliss!
After the hug:
Since Easton has been gone, Dawson has grown 7 inches. This is the scene at home when we got here and they reunited. Easton could NOT believe his baby brother had begun to look like a man!:


  1. This just makes me misty!! How happy I am for you!! I would have DIED with anticipation at the airport...I bet Easton at first felt a little like the guy in the RM when he was in the wrong terminal...oh dear!!!

  2. Oh Karen, what an amzing time for you guys! He is such a darling young man. I am thrilled for you guys, can't believe that 2 years has already flown by, wow! Congrats happy momma!

  3. I am soooo happy for you that he is home. I am almost in tears thinking of sending my two off and they are only two. What a sweet reunion. You must be so proud of him. Enjoy every minute of it. Thats what my mom always tells me.

  4. What a joy it must be for you to have him home. Two years must have seemed like an eternity. So happy that you have your family back together again...and what a handsome young man he is.

  5. I am so happy for you. I can't even imagine how excited you are to have him home. Glad he made it safely. Enjoying your time together.

  6. All we have to say over here at the Harper home is...WAHOO!!! Congratulations :) What an exciting moment. Thanks for sharing!

  7. what a story and what an entrance!! and I love seeing the boys together- so special!! Reminds me of my Josh whenever he gets together with his twin brother- they have to stand back to back- see who is taller! Seriously!!
    hugs to you!!! thank you so much for sharing your journey!

  8. Thanks for sharing!! I have been counting down with you and am so happy your son is home!! My son is two and I can only imagine what it would be like for him to be gone for 2 years. Thats his whole life:-) Anyways, enjoy these next few precious days with your family!!

  9. YIIIPPPPPEEEEE!!!! I have the chills. Have fun with your boy. I would be going in his room just to see him sleeping every hour or so. LOL!

  10. What can I say? I am all teary eyed. OH and I love those boots you had on. lol

  11. So happy you have Easton back! Remember my brother left at the same time? He came back last Friday. It's amazing what a mission does to them!

  12. AWESOME KAREN! What a wonderful night you had. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos!

  13. Wonderful Karen, I have been waiting all day to get to my computer with hope of these pictures! Thanks for sharing!


  15. What a sweet moment! I feel the excitement, and I couldn't be happier for you all!

  16. So sweet! Thanks for sharing your happy day with us!!!! Congrats to your family! :)

  17. So fess up many times did you peek in on him just to see him home in his own bed??!!

    I felt every heartbeat at the airport with ya!


  18. Aw, so sweet! I'm glad he is home!

  19. Oh, Karen...I'm so happy for you!!! Your post made me cry but "journalling" always does! I'm so glad that E is home and safe and glad that he was taken good care of by us "Texans". Have a WONDERFUL rest of the week and weekend. I don't see how you did it!

  20. ohhh boy. That is fantastic. I hope you are enjoying every minute these next few days. I am sure life will get really busy for all of you very soon.

  21. Awww....feeling a little misty eyed here. So happy your boy is home. :)

  22. Karen, there is no feeling better than when your missionary comes home! Bless you both!

  23. Nothing like holding onto your baby. The feel of their cheeks, their warmth, their smell. HEAVEN! Congratulation, your family certainly deserves a joyous celebration.

  24. I am so happy for you and can feel the joy! It reminds me of when my husband cam home after a yr. in Iraq. Enjoy every minute. Life is so good!!!

  25. Oh I am sooo happy for you. I have to admit, hearing about you jumping into the arms of your son made tears come to my eyes. There is nothing that can compare to a mother's love for her child.

  26. i am so happy for you! And I love how he seems to be embracing the worlds greatest mom. I cant wait for my sons to serve missions and come home to hug me!

  27. So happy to read this - we have been away at Disney for a couple of weeks and I have just had a chance to catch up on my favourite blogs (yours was first!).

    I am so happy for you!
