
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nervous Energy

This is my 2nd post today so be sure to scroll down.

Everything is done for Easton's return except for the ribbons on the trees and bushes, and I'm waiting on that since it is currently snowing. Now I am full of nervous energy and trying to find some way to channel it before I lose my mind and it's time to go to the airport. So back to the computer I came.

These photos are also from Butchardt Gardens. I love the one my mom took of Easton and I arm in arm walking down the path!

I thought I'd share a little exerpt from Easton's letter home last week:

"I don't like saying goodbye. I have never been good at it and will never like it. I don't see how it is so easy for some people to just accept that they will never see someone they love again (at least in this life). I have tried my whole mission to become accustomed to saying goodbye as I have changed areas each time, but I can't seem to accomplish that task. Saying goodbye is by far the worst part of going on mission and the worst part about leaving it."

"I look forward to a week from today when I can see your faces, but I ask that you understand that my heart is being ripped out of my chest at the same time. The mission has changed my life. I don't know who or where I would be without this experience. Thank you for the support. I love you more than anything. You are in my prayers and thoughts constantly. Thank you for everything!"


  1. Aww feeling a little misty eyed here. I never thought about it from that end of things.

  2. You have a precious gift in this son of yours, Easton. Thank you for sharing the excerpt from his letter. What a special young man he is!

  3. I have to agree with Easton that it is so hard to say goodbye. Hopefully he will be able to see at least some of them again. His letter tugs at my heart. I know a mission will make you feel that way, but there really is something extra special about Houston. We lived there for 18 1/2 years and the people are so warm and friendly there. I've never seen the missionaries who taught me the gospel again. I was 16 at the time and my parents would not let me join the church after I had the discussions, although I wanted to ohhhhh so much. So my missionaries never even knew I was baptized, but they changed my life, forever. Give Easton an extra big hug from a convert that never has seen her missionaries again, but will be eternally grateful for their service. I know Easton has so very many lives he has touched and changed and his influence will grow on. HUGS again...I don't know how you are standing it!!

  4. Oh my, his letter brought tears to my eyes. Hope he has a wonderful homecoming. Sounds like you are really making it special for him You are Super Mom! :)

  5. How exciting for you guys! Such a happy day:)

  6. Karen- Thank you for sharing so much of yourself on your blog. Your authenticity is something I try to "lift" with each of my blog posts. Clearly, the sacrifice you have made to let your "little boy" go for 2 years has made a tremendous impact in his life. So as hard as it must be to imagine letting Tannon go, Easton is a real testament to the power of the experience. For now, just enjoy this homecoming! Hugs - M

  7. How proud you must be Karen!
    By now you are with Easton face to face and loving him being home. It takes an aweful lot of courage to share our children with others. Easton is the man he is TODAY because of the MOTHER he has!
    Be proud and know what wonderful parents you and Dan have been!


  8. amazing...Easton's spirit and sense of duty what a testament to his parents. I know you cannot be more proud and what a true sense of fulfillment as a parent- just does not get better than that! I wish you lots of joy and peace with your family all together!!!
    hugs to you!

  9. Oh Karen!
    How excited to finally have him home (if not short-term)...
    I do remember when Haley came home from Sweden after a year...I thought we would get these great pictures at the airport and when I finally saw her funny legs coming down the escalator, I just threw the camera at someone and ran to her...
    It doesn't matter how old or big they are, in mom's arms they belong!

  10. You have a fantastic - and gorgeous ;)son! I'm so glad he is coming home to you!

    BTW, next time you go to Butchart Gardens give me a call, I'll come meet you there - I live about 2 1/2 hours away!

  11. Karen, I don't get to read your blog very often, but I knew Easton was coming home and I wanted to see how it went. I got teary eyed at your pictures as I pictured the amazing reunion. I also copied the part of his letter that you included in this post to send to Brandon. I thought it was so beautiful and well said. I feel so grateful for the opportunity Brandon has to serve. I hope he feels as Easton does on his return.
    I'm so happy for you and your family.
    We love the Pedersons

  12. Wow. I'm speechless. (WHEN DOES THAT HAPPEN??) Loved the letter, loved the story, love your family, love YOU.
