
Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today is the day that Easton returns. TODAY! That means no more counting down. Lucky you! I'll post in the next few days sometime with photos of the big arrival. It might be a day or two, depending on whether or not I can leave his side for long enough to post.

I love this photo of E. It was taken at Butchardt Gardens in Victoria, Canada on a family vacation about 6 months before his mission. What a cutie patootie! I'm kind of excited that I will be able to look at the real guy for a few months (before he heads off to college) and won't have to be continually going through my photos to see him!

Thanks to all of you for joining in my excitement as I counted down the days. My blog readers are the absolute BEST! I have been so touched by all of your messages and comments. Several of you have even referenced my excitement on your blogs. What a fun surprise for me!

By the way, I'm not sure if I have mentioned this to all of you or not. My next son, Tannon will also be going on a mission. He will send in his papers the end of March and probably find out around mid-April where he will be going. We are guessing he will leave in June or July. Can you believe this? ANOTHER missionary gone for 2 years. How is a mother to cope? And as you know, I have another son after Tannon (Dawson) who also plans to serve a 2 year mission at 19. I will be a missionary mom for many years to come.

Once Tannon sends his papers in, I will have a little contest here on my blog to guess where in the world he might be going. We had the same contest when Easton went but I didn't have a blog then. We had over 60 guesses, all over the world, but the winner actually guessed Houston, Texas speaking Spanish. WOW! I'll have a really GREAT (scrappin' related) prize for the winner! So stay tuned over the next few months for more missionary excitement. The return today is not the end of the missionary madness at this house!

I'm off to finish a few signs to hold up at the airport, tie some yellow ribbons on the bushes and trees outside, frost the cake and set a beautiful table for tonight. I'm so glad I got everything else done ahead of time and that today can just be last minute details.


  1. WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!! I woke up this morning knowing EXACTLY how you are feeling!!! No helium needed to lift you up!!! You're way over Cloud 9!!!

    Have FUN!!!!

  2. I am OHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! Now tell Easton he can't even think of getting married for another year and a few months until my Amanda gets home from her mission!! They can both speak Spanish to each other! hahaha!! He is a cutie and I just wish you the BEST day ever as I know it will be!! HUGE HUGS and BLESSINGS!!

  3. Oh what a fun day ahead. Congrats on a job well done to Elder Pedersen. I'm sure they are going to miss him in the mission field. I, too will begin sending boys out in about a year, hard to believe they grow up so fast.

    I've loved watching the countdown...Welcome home. He certainly will Return with Honor!

  4. Yay!!! what a great day for your family!!! SOO very excited for you! The time flies...enjoy your super special day!!!

  5. So excited for you! Enjoy your day with your family! He gets to come home to a great family!

  6. So excited for you! Enjoy your boy!!

  7. I am so excited for you! Enjoy your time together. I love seeing your love for your boys! It just encourages me as a mother of boys. I will be thinking about you.

  8. OH my goodness what a treat! I am so happy for you. I know you are just bursting at the seams. I bet he is excited to see you and the whole family as well. I can't wait to see your next post in a few days about the adventure! Enjoy your special homecomming!!

  9. Hip Hip HOORAY!!!

    You are probably hugging your sweet son as I write this. What a blessing to finally have him home.

    Much love to you and yours! You have a great family. :D
