
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another One?

Oh my goodness! My heart can't take it. Easton JUST GOT HOME from his 2 year mission and now it's just about time for Tannon to turn in his papers for his. They can be turned in 90 days before his 19th birthday, which is approximately March 10.

One of the things that is required with the papers is a head shot in his missionary clothes. So, off to the park Tannon and I went with my camera in tow.

As of March 10 we will officially be awaiting the letter from the Church Offices to tell us where Tannon will be going and when he will leave (we are guessing June or July). After the papers are officially turned in, it takes about a week or two for the letter with his assignment to come back and during that time I'll run a little contest here on my blog for you to guess. I'll have some blog candy for the person who guesses the closest to where he is actually called to serve. So, be watching for the contest announcement and photo of the blog candy you can win around the 10th of March.

In the meantime, enjoy shedding a few tears with me as we anticipate another Pedersen missionary leaving.


  1. I'm sad he is leaving because he is so much fun but I am SO proud of him for making the choice to go. He will be a great missionary! Poor mama. It will be over before you know it, right? :)

  2. You're getting to be an expert at this. . . I know it is both with joy and sadness!!! I expect sincere condolences and congratulations when I send both of my sons at the exact same time in about 12 years. . .

    My guess is Finland. . . I'll be excited for the announcement post!

  3. It sure is crazy how fast time passes. Tannon will be getting his call just as my Ty reports to the MTC. We just got our little auto pass for the MTC in the mail yesterday. I feel like my heart is being ripped out every time I even go there. It is a wonderful thing, but oh so hard to let them go. Your Tannon sure looks like a missionary and ready to go. Such an exciting time for him! Can't wait to see where he will go.

  4. Oh My, You are a Wonderful Strong Supportive Mommy!!! God Bless you and your family Karen!! Is it only Canada and the USA he can end up in or could it be other countries?

  5. Don't forget to get a nice new family photo before Tanton heads off!!

  6. Oh Karen. I know you will miss Tannon terribly. However, you must be very, very proud as well!!

  7. Oh dear another boy gone (another cute one at that ;) I am sure you will miss him, hopefully not too far away.

  8. I know you're heart is divided in half...the mommy who will miss her boy and the faithful who is proud to see him serve...the two halves will become a full circle again when he comes home to you...

    my daughter wants to school in OZ in a 5 YEAR program...notice I said "wants"...LOL!

  9. Hi Karen, You always have great photos. What kind of camera do you use and what software do you use as well? Thanks for the advise. I am looking to invest in a new camera and just wanted to get some info.
