
Friday, February 26, 2010

Memory Showcase Accordion Album

I have been working on this little project this week for a couple of reasons: 1) to give to Easton as a gift, and 2) as part of my application to teach at Close To My Heart's annual Convention this summer. Luckily, they will give it back! WOO HOO! Now, let's just hope they pick me!

I LOVE these little Memory Showcase accordion albums. Close To My Heart carries them in 2 sizes; 6" x 6" (which you see here) and 9" x 9". The two covers are chipboard and there are 6 pages inside. They are great to set out on a coffee table or dresser for display, and they are inexpensive too ($3.95 for the 6" x 6" size {Z1195} and $5.95 for the 9" x 9" size {Z1198}).

Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially when you need a fun accordion Memory Showcase album.


  1. You are just amazing...Not only is your artwork perfect, but your photographs are stunning (helps when we have handsome sons, doesn't it?). I hope they pick you too, my friend! PS one of my customers who reads my blog was telling me about how much she loves yours last night. I, of course, agreed!

  2. Oh so wonderful! What a fabulous tribute book for Easton! Karen, you are an amazing teacher. I remember the very first time I heard you teach at Leadership in San Diego (almost 3 years ago!). You inspired me then, and you continue to inspire me today!

  3. Karen, my friend!
    You constantly inspire me.
    Beautiful album! You ROCK!

  4. simply stunning!!!! and my oh my I am sure the girls are just lining up around the corner! tee-hee!!
    I have a good feeling I will be seeing you wearing that teacher crown proudly!!!!

  5. What a great album, Karen! I can't imagine what it was like for you to have your son away from you for 2 years. I mean, I know it was for a mission and that's a positive thing. For me personally, my 4 children are 9, 5, 2 and 1 and I can't stand being away from them, even for a couple of hours. I'm in big trouble aren't I?! Anyway, have a fabulous weekend! ;)

  6. How could they NOT pick YOU!!!??!! Your work is amazing and you are so very inspirational!! LOVE this mini album...WOW!!!

  7. This is a beautiful album! I hope they choose you!

  8. What an awesome album--I hope you are picked too! Your art inspires me. :) Thank you!

  9. of COURSE they'll pick you, Karen!
    and I'll have a front row seat to view all views of your lovely samples!

  10. Are you kidding they would be CRAZY not to pick you. You have my vote! Your album is absolutely stunning!

  11. Hi Karen,
    I LOVE your projects and your've given me a LOT of inspiration! I've given you a blog award...see my blog to get it.

    Thanks!!! :)

  12. Wonderful album! What a treasured keepsake!! I look forward to seeing what you teach - when you are selected!! :)
