
Monday, March 1, 2010

Beautiful Blogger

Thanks so much to Lori at Organized Chaos for giving me the "Beautiful Blogger" award. I am honored that she enjoys my blog. After checkign it out this morning, I can say that hers is pretty awesome, too!

Here is how this award works:
  • Say thanks to the one who sent it to you (I did that above).
  • Tell us 7 things about you (see below).
  • Pass it to 15 followers/friends (see below).
I am going to cheat and only send it to 5 of my favorite bloggers. I hope this doesn't get me put in jail or anything. :)

Seven things about me (I'm trying to think of things I have never mentioned on my blog before, things you probably don't already know about me)
1. I was Mrs. Utah 1995
2. I got married at 18 (gasp!) and everyone told me that it would never last. Here we are 2 short months shy of 25 years, and still going strong.
3. After everyone told me it would never last, they ALL said it over and over again when we got pregnant 3 months after we got married.
4. Our first wedding anniversary was spent at a nice restaurant with me sitting so far from the table (thanks to my VERY large, pregnant tummy) that I spilled everything on my stomach trying to get it from the table to my mouth!
5. My most embarrassing moment: Once a date took me swimming. As I was climbing the ladder out of the pool, with him behind me, he said, "Karen, you have a hole in the back of your swimsuit." Okay, embarrassing enough. I went to the restroom to check and noticed that it was more than a hole. The back end of my swimsuit had come unstitched and my whole rear end was exposed! OH MY! I'm glad I can laugh about it now.
6. I have lived in 9 different states (West Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Colorado, New Mexico, Kentucky, Idaho, California).
7. I like to fold laundry. I know, weird!

I am passing this award on to the following 5 bloggers:
*Kori at Streebor (my daughter): LOVE your blog, my dear! I love seeing all of the darling pics of Daci any time I want. When you guys move this summer, I will depend on this blog even more. I refuse to cry as I'm writing this!
*Cheryl at CherylJuneGirl. Her art continually inspires me. As if that weren't enough, she is one of those people you just KNOW is wonderful without even having to meet her. It shines through in the words she shares on her blog.
*Shari at Shari Froemming's Blog: Thanks for being a wonderful friend, organization guru, and all around great person. LOVE YOU, girlfriend!
*Tracey at Tracey Mason's Studio: My good buddy! Your art and photography continually amaze me. And as much as I love ya, you have to know that JACOB beats Edward hands down, every time! Thanks for your friendship and sense of humor.
*Carma at Stamp with Heart: Carma is one of my wonderful downline with Close To My Heart. She is also a dear friend. Carma, I'm so proud of the great things you are doing with your business!

Thanks again, Lori! I am excited to begin following your awesome blog!

1 comment:

  1. Who loves ya girlfriend?!
    Ps. Edward heard you say that- you better look out.
