
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nail Biter!

I am a March Madness freakaziod! And, today was the start. Other than some office work I needed to do for my business today, and running up here to post this after the BYU game, all I have done so far is sit on the couch and eat pizza and watch ball games. Did I mention I LOVE March Madness?

Our beloved Brigham Young University Cougars opened up against Florida. Yikes! The game ended a little over an hour ago after going into double overtime. The Cougs pulled it out! Jimmer Fredette (shown in photo) had 36 points! WOWZERS!

My Dawson LOVES the Cougars. One of his best friend's older brother, Tyler Haws plays for BYU. Quite often TJ invites Dawson to the games. One time after a game, he got photos taken with many of the BYU players. He was so excited about it. Here is one of Dawson and Jimmer Fredette (Did I mention he scored 36 points today? Oh yeah, I did. lol). Dawson takes great pride in noticing that he is only a couple inches shorter than Jimmer. I love the pink on the BYU uniform. This was National Cancer Awareness week. BYU wore pink on their uniforms and pink Nikes to play in (they were one of 3 teams in the country selected by Nike to do so) that game. BYU's coach, Dave Rose, has battled pancreatic cancer this past year.


  1. Jimmer is from my town. I don't follow basketball. But you couldn't miss all the news about Jimmer.

  2. We're so excited about BYU's win. I had to work today but was excited to go onto the internet and see their win in double OT. Final 4, here we come!

  3. Fredette's a STUD!! Go COUGS!!!
