
Friday, March 19, 2010

Play Time and Goodbye Lacey

I haven't shared many photos of my darling little Daci lately. She had her first birthday about a month ago. Amazing how the time flies! She is walking, saying some words, and is full of personality. Now if she could just grow some hair! lol. Could a grandma be any luckier? I could just eat her up!

These photos were taken of her in my scrappin' room while I was working one day. When Kori comes over with Daci and Kori and I scrap, Daci sits in her little 'command station' and plays. I decided to go with bright colors that would make her bright shirt stand out on the layout. I also wanted to play off of the shapes of the little 'doo dads' on her play station. Close To My Heart's Tinkerin' Kit had the perfect shapes and colors for the job! A lot of people think, "BOY!" when they see this paper, but I thought it was perfect for this energetic and silly little girl.

Close To My Heart products used: Tinkerin' Level 2 Paper Pack (X7113B), Tinkerin' My Stickease (X7113C), Badge Buttons (Z1159), Hodge Podge Color Ready Alphabet (X1406), 3D Foam Tape (Z1151).

Non-CTMH Products used: Offray Ribbon.

Click here to order from my website 24/7...especially when you've got some cuter than cute baby photos to scrap!

Oh, and TOTALLY off the subject...I am NOT happy that cute little red-headed Lacey went home on American Idol this week. WHAT? I know she wasn't going to win, but PUH-LEASE....Tim Urban should have gone home WAY before her. Don't throw rotten tomatoes. He's a cutie, but I'm just sayin'!


  1. Karen, another adorable layout. I would never have thought about using Tinkering for a girl layout - but I absolutely love how beautiful if turned out. The colours are perfect.

    Does Daci ever take a bad picture - she is too stinkin' cute.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great day :)

    P.S. My husband is glued to the set during March Madness too and he loved your pictures with Dawson and Jimmer - very cool! Enjoy the tourey!

  2. I totally agree on the Lacey/Tim comment for Idol. I loved Lacey! I also love what you did with the Green Ribbon on the layout. So cute!

  3. Oh what cute pictures of Daci! I have beeen iffy about Tinkerin', but I think I'll have to get a packet of that now that I see your layout.

    We, too, were disappointed about Lacey. I thought for sure either Katie or Page was going. Just wish I could grab on to someone this year. No big "moments" yet for me (as Simon would say!).

  4. Um, whatever paper you use for pics of Daci is perfect...because her pictures are always stunning and she's the most adorable thing EVER. But really, this paper is perfect.

    re: Idol - no one has really "done it" for me we'll see...

  5. I so hear you on Lacey! and Lilly what? I think the only one I really like is the 16 year old kid can't remember his name right now. And I think the main reason is that he's so dang cute and talented for his age!

  6. This is darling!! LOVE the bright colours!! I just gave my Tinkerin' paper pack away for a fun give a I have to order it again...LOL! Thanks for the inspiration as always:-)

  7. Love the layout. Tinkering worked nicely. What a cutie your Daci is.

  8. Adorable photos and a fantastic layout!

  9. Holy cow Daci is the cutest little babes EVER!! ADorable pics, and adorable layout.

    I know I know, Lacey was so cute!

  10. Hey Mac buddy...I am so jealous of that cute little girl! Some day I will have grandbabies. But for now, I will just live through you and your ADORABLE Daci!

    Oh and the layouts are way cute too!
