
Monday, May 3, 2010

Blog Candy Winner and 25!

Congrats to my blog candy winner, Michele H who said, "This is a great tool for playing with layouts, colors and embellishments; so much time is spent trying to figure out what size and how to place pictures."

Michele, please email me at to give me your mailing address. I'll get that $25 in new product in the mail to you right away. THANKS!

Don't forget that YOU can still play with Studio J any time you'd like, for free. There is no cost at all until you decide to order any of the layouts you created. Just click here to play.

Today is the 25th anniversary of the day that Dan the Man and I were married in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple for time and all eternity. I love you, Dan-O! Thanks for the best 25 years of my life...and here's to at least another 25! Dont-cha LOVE that 80's dress and hair-do?

Have a wonderful day, everyone!


  1. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I'm so grateful to have such great parents and influences in my life. Love you!

  2. Happy, Happy Anniversary to you and your sweetheart!

  3. Happy Anniversary Karen. I love the 80s!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The happiest of anniversaries to you Karen! I feel as though I know Dan (the Man) personally just be reading your blog. Have an awesome day!

    Smiles, Caron

  6. Congrats Karen! You guys look great! Love the tails on the tux too! :) Have a great aniversary!

  7. Happy Day to you guys! You are both amazing people!! Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!!

  8. Karen I guess I am under Jakes name, but it's me Amy!! Funny!!

  9. Happy Anniversary and many more years of blessings to you!

    stamping hugs

  10. Happy Anniversary Mac Buddy! Your picture is gorgeous!

  11. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary!! Gorgeous picture!!
