
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Close To My Heart's Summer 2010 Idea Book...and BLOG CANDY!

It's here and it's live! The Close To My Heart 2010 Summer Idea Book went live today and it is right here on my blog and ready to view and order from. WAHOO!!

Just click on the photo of the Idea Book on the left side of my blog, or today you can also click right here. Make your wish list and then head to my website here to order. Don't forget that it's also National Scrapbooking Month and the "Miracle" kit special is in full force. It's a great addition to your can even get it at the amazing discount of $5. Click here for more details on the Miracle kit.

You will also want to check out my post from yesterday (click here) for a chance to win some blog candy. Just comment on yesterday's post following the instructions there for a chance to win $25 in product from this new Idea Book. I'll be drawing and announcing the winner on Monday, May 3 so hurry up and get yourself in the running.

I've included a photo of some artwork made with two of the new kits in the Idea Book, Passages and Zippidee. Passages is masculine and elegant at the same time. I love it! My Play Group classes will be using this kit in September. Zippidee is PERFECT for all of your Disney photos, or anything else fun and bright. My Play Group classes will be using this kit in July. I have also shared artwork from two other new kits (Splendor and Cherry-O) here and here. My Play Group classes will be using Cherry-O for our June classes and Splendor for August (you can read more about how my Play Group classes work on the left side of my blog. Just look for the "Play Group Information" heading). Cherry-O is also featured in the artwork on the cover of the new Idea Book. Every Idea Book I think that Close To My Heart can't possibly top itself and every Idea Book they prove me wrong. Enjoy the eye candy as you kick back and take some time to soak up the new product goodness!

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