
Saturday, May 29, 2010


I am sure you have all noticed that there has been very little artwork sharing going on the past couple of weeks. That is not because I have sworn off creating, but because everything I am working on is top secret until after the Close To My Heart National Convention the first week of July. So sorry! I can't wait to share it all after that.

In the meantime, I am very excited to share a momentous occasion in our home with you. Last night, Tannon, my 3rd child, graduated from high school. Happy and sad all at the same time. Congrats, Tan Man. I love you!


  1. You must be teachng at Convention! I am so glad for the people that will be listening to you. I remember the first time I saw you teach and viewed your artwork - in San Diego at Leadership. You have been in my heart since then! On another note, graduation is tough, huh? It's especially hard, I'll bet, knowing that a mission is soon to come. Big hugs to you!

  2. You must be teachng at Convention! I am so glad for the people that will be listening to you. I remember the first time I saw you teach and viewed your artwork - in San Diego at Leadership. You have been in my heart since then! On another note, graduation is tough, huh? It's especially hard, I'll bet, knowing that a mission is soon to come. Big hugs to you!

  3. Congrats to Tannon and I am so looking forward to seeing you soon!!!! And I cannot wait to be blown over and inspired! I seriously would love to know how you balance it all!?!

  4. Karen: With everything going on I have not been on your blog for a really long time. Anyway, just quickly wanted to tell you thanks for your kind words on my blog, your prayers and friendship. I appreciate you so much and know I have you to turn to for anything and that means a ton to me. Have a good weekend. Love ya.

  5. I look forward to seeing what you have created! I am sure it is going to be awesome! Also congrats to your son. What a milestone. My middle son just graduated kindergarten - the first of many graduating milestones to come. It is all very exciting.

  6. at least you're on the homestretch, right? love the pictures you posted. I can see the pride in your faces! Can't wait to see you in just a month. it's gonna be a blast!

  7. Congrats to your Tan Man and Mom and Dad, too!
    It takes the entire family to have a graduate.

    Can't wait to see what's Top Secret!
    Soon, darlin', soon!

  8. Happy graduation to Tannon!!! Congrats to you all!
