
Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Hi" revisited

Remember this card from about a week or so ago... the one that I asked for your opinions on how to make it better? Well, I listened and guess guys were RIGHT! I just changed up a couple of things and WOW, what a difference.

Unfortunately I can't share the whole shebang with you, but I did take a photo of a corner of the card so you can see a couple of the changes. I'll share the whole thing with you when I'm able. It is for the Humble Artists Group Swap that I am in and the rules are that we are not supposed to share a photo of our finished project until everyone has sent their projects out. That means you should be able to see the whole card in a couple of weeks.

Until then, enjoy the sneaky peeky!

Oh, and how 'bout American Idol? I would have been happy with Crystal or Lee so I was happy. But, I think my favorite overall was Big Mike. I was sad when he went home.


  1. Can't wait to see the whole card, Karen! Evne the corner looks great!

    I was very happy about Lee winning - he was my favorite. He just opened up so much more every week that it was fun to watch him grow!

  2. Oh Karen so beautiful, can't wait to see the whole thing.

  3. Looks amazing!! I'll check back soon for the whole thing....:-)
