
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! I am so grateful that I am a mother. I love my kiddos more than I could ever express in words. Being a wife and mother has truly brought me the greatest joy I have ever experienced in life. As I reflect on the wonder of motherhood, I also feel filled with gratitude for the mothers in my life.

To my mom (pictured here): Mom, you are the BEST! How I was blessed enough for God to pick you as my mother I will never know. I definitely got an angel. In your Mother's Day card today I wrote, "To the most Christ-like person I know." It's the truth! If I am only half the mother to my children that you are to me, I will feel pretty darn good about that! I love you.

To Grandma "T": Thank you for being you. Growing up, I looked up to you so much and wanted to be just like you. I loved how beautifully you decorated your home, wanted to be able to cook and entertain just like you, and dress just like you...oh yeah, and play pinochle just like you! Thank you for teaching me all of these things, except the pinochle part. I never will be as good at that as you are!

To my mother-in-law, Halene: I miss you! I can't believe it's been almost 16 years since you passed away. I miss your giggle, watching sports with you, canning with you, and hearing you call everyone "such a sight!" Thank you for raising my knight in shining armor!

To my Grandma Dunham: I wish we had lived closer to you growing up. I wish I had known you better. I am so grateful to you for raising my father to be the man that he is. I hope one day to meet you in heaven and sit down and have a LONG chat. I want to hear all of your stories and experiences!

To my daughter (and mother of my granddaughter), Kori: I am so proud of the mother that you are. I am so grateful that you and Rick have blessed our family with little Daci. I never have to worry about how she is being raised. You are the sweetest and most conscientious mommy. I hope you will forgive me for the mistakes I made as a mother.


  1. You didn't make any mistakes as a mother. You are such a great mom and I love you so much!

  2. Karen you are so wonderful- Happy Mother's Day to you friend.

  3. This makes me misty-eyed! Hope your Mother's Day was PERFECT!
