
Monday, May 10, 2010

National Kori Day!

No one in the world could possibly have a sweeter daughter than I do. Korinne Danae is the epitome of sweetness. I am so proud of her. Today is her birthday, and I'd ike to invite you all to help us celebrate. Have a piece of cake today and think of my Koribug!

Kori came into this world 24 years ago today and hasn't stopped blessing my life since. She is kind, selfless, and just pure goodness, through and through.

I remember once in high school she got a letter from a friend. I'm paraphrasing, because I don't think we still have the letter, but it went something like this, "Kori, I just want to thank you for your example. You never say anything bad about anyone. I have never heard you gossip and I respect you so much for that. I just wanted you to know how much I look up to you." What a compliment, don't you think?

Another little experience that comes to mind that might tell you a little bit about my girl is this one: Kori was on the drill team in high school. Although there were 20 members on the team, not all of the girls were in every competition dance. Kori was one of the lucky few who was. Just before competition season began, Kori got very sick. She lost 20 pounds in a matter of 2 weeks and we didn't know what was causing this illness (luckily we found out later that it was celiac disease and we were able to deal with that). In the first competition of the year she passed out coming off the floor after a dance. She wanted so much to help her team and she and her advisor decided that she would bow out of one of the dances, the most difficult and strenuous one, for the rest of the year. That left an open spot to fill. There were 8 girls who would all have done just about anything for that spot. But instead of filling it, they all got together and decided they didn't want to take Kori's spot. They re-choreographed the dance to fill her spot and said that it was open for her to come back to as soon as she was strong enough. She got to come back and dance that dance again for the last few competitions of that year. When she did, the girls all gathering together and said a prayer for her that she would be okay. The girls who were not in the dance waited in the hall so that as soon as she finished dancing they could help her back to the dressing room. They knew that it would take all of her strength just to get through the dance.

I'll never forget that. Not only did it show me the goodness and sisterhood that this group of girls had, but it also showed me how highly they thought of Kori. I have to agree. She is pretty darn special! I love you, Koribug! Happy 24th Birthday! Thank you for making me a mother!


  1. Who would doubt that such an amazing mother would have such a beautiful daughter, and you are right no one could have a sweeter daughter. . . mine, however, is just as so! Aren't we lucky? I'll be glad to share a piece of cake with you today!

  2. Oh what wonderful things you said about Kori! Having had the pleasure of meeting her, I know how sweet and kind she is. Happy birthday to Kori!!

  3. Wow Mom, thanks! That was a very sweet post and now I have to go re-do the makeup that I just put on my face :) Those kind words have already made my birthday a GREAT day! Love yoU!

  4. Karen - What a truly beautiful post! And a very Happy Birthday Kori!

    Much love, Christine

  5. She is wonderful! I think alot of it has to do with her very amazing mother! Fantastic Brothers and Great dad. Happy Birthday Kori

  6. Honestly Kori is one of the sweetest people I know and I have LOVED being able to spend a little time with her this last little while. She is such a darling mommy, only could she have learned this from her own darling mommy by the way. Daci is very lucky to have not only the best little momma, but the best little grandmomma too. LOVED the stories of Kori!! Thanks for sharing.

    By the way, I'm totally embarrassed about the charm, please don't make another. I did't realize you had to do that!! Seriously Karen, I'm so sorry!

  7. Happy Kori Day!!! Loved reading about her and the love and respect her dance team members had for her. She is so lovely! May 10th certainly was a fantabulous day to have a sweet baby girl!!

  8. Happy Birthday Kori! I am sure your family made it a special day.
