
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who commented yesterday with wonderful suggestions on how I could make my card better. I loved all of the ideas and I have incorporated many of them into my card. I will be finishing that card (and 5 more just like it) later this week but won't be posting it for a few weeks. It is for the Humble Artists' Swap group and we are not allowed to post our finished products until everyone has sent in their cards. I promise I will post it once I am allowed. There's that darn patience thing again. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen, I personally love the card and can't think of too much that you can do. The sun is such a bright bold paper and looks great for the sun so maybe making the hi a darker color or a blue color. I'd be happy if I received a card like that. Hope you don't mind but I think I will scraplift that idea!
