
Friday, May 14, 2010

What Do You Think?

I have been working on several things lately that I can't share for quite some time. Darn! It makes me crazy to create for a class I am teaching in the future, or with products that have not yet been released and not be able to share right away. I get so excited. It's almost like I feel when I buy someone a gift. I almost cannot wait to give it to them on their birthday. I just want to run right over and give it to them while I am still so excited about my purchase. I've heard that patience is a virtue, but I am not convinced. Almost all the projects I have been working on lately fit into the 'I cannot share them yet' category. To quote Winnie the Pooh, "Oh bother."

That doesn't mean I don't have something to share today though. Today's little share is different than anything I have ever shared before because this time I am asking for input on what this project needs. I created this card yesterday for a specific purpose and I like it okay, but it is not making me do summersaults or cartwheels. I want summersaults and cartwheels!

So, when you comment today, please help me out by answering one or all of the following questions:
  • Is there anything I need to add?
  • Is there anything I should take off?
  • Would the letters look better painted white than glittered?
  • Do you have any other suggestions on how I can take this card from okay to WOW!?
Thanks for your help! Have a wonderful day!


  1. I love the card overall but I definitely think it needs something different with the letters. I know this is probably way out of the box - but what about an unexpected pop of color - like citrus leaf or topiary or maybe even black.......just something bold and unexpected. I don't think the white letters are going to show up any better - unless you inked the edges of them with maybe moonstruck or crystal blue......

    Don't get me wrong - I love this card and totally plan on lifting it - just the white brads and the 'hi' kind of blend in and fade into the background.

    Regardless - I plan on totally lifting this sketch. :)

  2. I agree with Amanda...even maybe the Heavenly Blue letters...but I think a unexpected bold color would look awesome. Totally LOVE it though! Great job!

  3. i think it a super fun lay out idea and like Amanda i cannot wait to scrap lift! But the first thing I thought of was around Hi in yellow and add a yellow button maybe...maybe a bow/knot on one of the ray's, sunshine stamped in black on a small piece of cardstock so it says "Hi Sunshine" is great though as is! I think you are amazing!

  4. For starters, I think I would change the color of the actual card -- maybe to topiary? I think using the goldrush as the backgroud makes the sun blend too much. And then do the topiary letters, or even heavenly blue. LOVE the card, though! Too cute!

  5. I love the card! The only thing I might change is the "hi." So that it pops, something along the lines of black or the other colors that the ladies suggested.

    It is a stunning card though!

  6. Karen,
    I was thinking one of the reds, to go with the "firey" feel of the sun, and then use twinkle brads. But, I do like the other colors mentioned above, as well.

  7. My first thought is sparkle. Maybe use our new glitz glitter glue along the rays of the sun and I agree with previous comments the "hi" needs to stand out more by changing the color. Fun design.

  8. Great card, Karen! I agree with Nicole and would add glitter along the rays and around the sun. Fabulous and thanks for sharing! ;)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My honest opinion (and I can first say that I love your use of the background stamps for this!)is that the color of the foreground completely overpowers the background BT. If you tone down the front or use a more powerful background you will like it better. I'm not a huge fan of the silver glitter either. You also need a Wowier button, a sparkle or some other little "thing" to pop the i.

    I love the overall design and effect. I wouldn't have commented this critique at all if you hadn't requested it!

    Have a great day!!!

  11. well, I think it is WOW already:-) Love it!! I am such a visual person that I would need to hold the card in my hand and play around with different colors to see if it did anything to make it "better":-) Can't wait to see what you do to it to make it more wow than it is already!!

  12. Ditto everything. I didn't see the brads until I looked closely and the hi just doesn't stand out. Like everyone else I want to try it to. Be sure you post your finished product.

  13. I love it, Karen, because I love a good mix of patterns. I think the letters are a little large for the circle - maybe smaller in white. If you did that, I would try white daisy for a background so those rays really show off. Glitter or gems are a must on those beautiful rays! I can't wait to see what you do!!
    I sent you some orders to finish up my party!

  14. Hey cuz! I love it! I was thinking maybe actually POPPING the "hi" out. Give it some depth. But what do I know.
    On a totally different note, I am in charge of some fundraising for the HAST swim team. We are having a big raffle at our huge annual swim meet over the fourth of July, and are looking for donations (either cash or product). Does Close to My Heart ever sponsor stuff like that? We would put your logo in the program and even hang a banner for you if you have one. Just curious. Let me know.
    Love ya!


  15. IMO: Add Moonstruck blue as the base of the card, kill the button and spice up the letters a bit w/ a hint of color. Love it!

  16. Karen, I'm coming in late on this, but here's MHO: Change the Hi, the button, and the brads to cranberry or barn red. Give it some POP! Love the design! Hope to see your new version! Lots of great suggestions here. :)

  17. I love this and I'm sure any changes you make will make it even more stunning!
