
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Art and Soul, another Cruise, a Sack, a Dance, and I Love You, Lynette!

The new Art & Soul webisode (Cutting and Color Confidence) is up and running on my website...and it's a good-un! Check it out by clicking here. In 12 short minutes, among other things, you'll learn:
  • how to add dimension to stamped images with your cutting knife (and how to make a cuter than cute non-Halloween layout using the Hooligans papers)
  • how to cut your memory protectors to accomodate interactive page elements
  • ideas for combining and using the delicious 8 new colors in the Summer Palette
  • a little sneak peek into Magic (my new favorite toy!)
I also thought I'd share a beautiful card given to me by one of my downline, and bestest buddies, Lynette K. How this girl does it, I'll never know. She is such a wonderful and supportive wife to a husband who is battling (and I do mean BATTLING...he's a warrior!) cancer, an amazing mother to 4 very busy and involved kiddos, a outstanding business-woman with Close To My Heart, and one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I know. I did a little favor for Lynette and her family one day and she took the time to make this gorgeous card for me to say "Thanks." LOVE YOU, Lynette! I'm sending big virtual hugs and kisses your way!

Here is a photo of Lynette and I on one of the many Close To My Heart cruises we have earned together. This one was Alaska (Hmm. I wonder what lipstick I was wearing. I like it!). And, while I'm on the subject of cruises, I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who attend my Play Group scrappin' classes, purchase through my website and/or who are on my CTMH Team. As of yesterday, it is official. I have now earned my 8th cruise with Close To My Heart (the Caribbean Epic Cruise). From Hawaii to Alaska, the Eastern to the Western Caribbean, and Mexico to the Mediterranean, I have been there...all thanks to a wonderful company that rewards their consultants generously. I have been so fortunate to be able to spend several cruises with my hubby, Dan-the-Man, take each of my children on their 'own' cruise, and take my whole family on an Alaskan cruise.

This layout is one I did after spending time in 2005 on a CTMH Eastern Caribbean cruise with my son, Tannon. The sand and water in St. Johns (US Virgin Islands) was A-MA-ZING! I've never seen anything like it. You can see this layout larger and in more detail if you click on the photo.

Oh, and last but not least, it's been a fun week with Dawson. He had a good game last week (see photo of his sack below...he's #10 - kickin' #4's trash), and plays again today. Have I ever mentioned how much we love football at our house? I guess I have a time or two.

Also, the Homecoming Dance is coming up in a few weeks. Dawson decided he wanted to ask a girl named Crystal. To ask her, he filled a mason jar with rice and we carefully printed his name on one of the grains of rice (that was a trick, let me tell you!). We put that little rice grain in with all the others and attached a poem and he rang her doorbell and ran. I'm such a dork because I forgot to take photos, but here is the poem we wrote:


A jar of rice
Is really nice.

But there is more to see
And that is the key.

It's kind of a game
So search for my name.

A magnifying glass
Will help with the task.

Homecoming with me?
I'm down on one knee.

Please say yes.
I won't settle for less.

We'll be on that like white on rice!

Crystal called him a few hours later, after digging through that rice and finding his name, to tell him he was a geek, good naturedly (is that a word?) of course. Yes, we are geeks, but we have lots of geek fun!

Have a great day! I plan to!


  1. Congratulations on winning the cruise. I couldn't agree with you more about Lynette, she is one fantastic woman.

  2. I LOVE Lynette too and hope that everything will work out for her in her life soon! I love Dawson's football pics, love how he asked his date, love your lipstick in that picture, and LOVE that you earned your cruise. CONGRATS! Love you!

  3. What a fun way to ask! Gonna have to remember that one. Love all the cute stuff you showcase... so talented!

  4. lol....that is way cute!!! and beats a tub full of red jello! Congrats on your Cruise!!! I totally wasn't kidding when I said meeting you and Lynette was like meeting Celebrity! :)

  5. Big congrats to you for earning the cruise...SO EXCITING!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that poem:-)

  6. Karen, I loved this post. Sending prayers to your friend and her family!

    Congrats on your latest cruise! It will be so nice for you after the big wedding to enjoy some relaxing time!

    I must tell you I love reading about your family and I too will be keeping your cupcake and rice idea for when my boys are older - they just may come in handy!

    Thank you for sharing and have a great day!

  7. Congrats on winning the cruise!
    Fun and fab lo!
    Love your son's creative invitation...have fun watching football...i sure do miss it.

  8. congrats on winning the cruise!!! I love your poem and will have to stock pile that for when my son is dating. Have a fun weekend.

  9. Karen:
    Wow thanks so much. I have not had any time to blog hop so I have not been here in a long time. Thanks so much for your kind words. You are the best ever. Thanks for always being there for me. YOU ROCK.
