
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SURPRISE!...and a Dynamite Clear Card (by Lisa)

Last night was one of my favorite surprises ever. At about 11 pm there was a knock on the door, and who should come walking in but our daughter, Kori and granddaughter, Daci! They surprised us with a visit from Chicago for the next week and a half. How wonderful of Rick (who has been working out of town quite a bit lately, and will be for another couple of weeks) to send our girls home to visit for a while so they don't have to be home alone.

Lest you think I have forgotten to share any artwork, I promise I won't let you down. Today I want to share a clear card from my friend, Lisa Stenz. She is such a beautiful artist and knows how to make simple look fabulous. I tend to keep adding and adding 'stuff' to my creations, but Lisa has such a beautiful way of creating that "simple" is "simply beautiful"! I've always been so envious of people who can do that. Her artwork is crisp and clean and gorgeous! Thanks for this beautiful card, Lisa! (you can click on any of the photos of Lisa's card to see them larger and in more detail).

Here is the front view of Lisa's card, closed:

Here is Lisa's card standing up slightly open.

Here I am starting to open the card. Can you see that the stamped pumpkin accents and the Pear patterned paper are adhered to the front side of the front panel of the card, the Barn Red cardstock are on the back side of the of the front panel of the card, while the Sunset paper is adhered to the back panel of the card. Cool beans!

Here is Lisa's card all the way open.

One of my favorite Close To My Heart products right now is Clear Cards. CTMH carries two different packages of them: the 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" Assortment (Z1323) and the 4 1/2" Assortment (Z1309). I love them both! You can order either or BOTH of them on my website.

Other products Lisa used on her card (which can also be ordered on my website) are: Olivia Level 2 Paper Pack (X7128B), Harvest Home Stamp Set (C1419), Cocoa Stamp Pad (Z2114), Sunset Marker (Z2391), Pear Marker (Z2397), 3D Foam Tape (Z1151), Round Sponge (Z697).


  1. Enjoy your visit with your girls! I had happy tears for you - funny how you can know someone and be happy for them and have never met. Isn't technology great :)

    Lisa's card is beautiful! I have recently found that the Clear cards can be embossed with a Cuttlebug folder and am loving that look too.

    Wishing you lots of great times!

  2. Oh what a wonderful surprise!! Look at Daci's face in that picture - her expressions are always priceless! Enjoy your time with your two girls!!

  3. Lucky you to have a surprise visit!! Those kind of surprises are the BEST!! Your friends card is fabulous!!!

  4. that card is fab! and what a great surprise!!! have fun!

  5. What a wonderful surprise! My brother and I surprised my mom one year at Thanksgiving when she didn't think we were going to be able to come home. She cried and cried and cried (happy tears of course.) It was the best! Enjoy the time with your girls!

    Thanks for sharing my card. I am always in awe at your amazing talent and am honored and humbled to be showcased on your blog. You are such a sweetheart!!! Big Hugs! *Ü*

  6. Love that your girls are home for a bit. what a fantastic surprise! And of course, Lisa's card is as beautiful as ever!
    Thanks for sharing! M

  7. Ohhhhhhh what a fantabulous surprise!!! Have fun with those girls!!! Lisa's card is gorgeous!

  8. Still so happy about your surprise.

    LOVE Lisa's card...did she use the waterbrush to color in the pumpkin?

  9. what a great surprise! I bet they're thrilled to be home for a visit!

  10. Oh my gosh I miss seeing Kori, and Daci are you kidding me, she looks so grown! I'm so happy that they came to surprise one of my favorite people ever. Love ya girl!

  11. Hi Karen,
    So happy to hear about your surprise! Enjoy your special time together and tell Kori that she is missing a cold, crisp day in Chicago.

    stamping hugs,

  12. Love it! The clear cards are the coolest! I love how you can decorate so little on the front!


  13. Gorgeous color combination i really like it....
    Plastic cards
    Plastic card printing
