
Monday, November 29, 2010

December Play Group Layouts (Mistletoe)

I am way behind and seem to keep getting behinder and behinder. Easton and Daysha's wedding is coming up soon (18 more days!) and between that and Thanksgiving I feel like I need at least another week before December gets here. Alas, that is not to be. I will have to make due with the time God gave me (which, by the way, God. It never seems to be enough!).

The photos you see today are of the three layouts we will be making in my December Play Group classes. Of course you can click on any image to see it larger and in more detail. It's too late to sign up for December classes but next week I will be posting the pages for my January classes, so be watching for them. I gotta say, they are AWESOME! I'll be teaching lots of new techniques in my January classes.

Layout #1 Below: "Christmas Time"Close Up of Layout 1's Journaling Below:
Layout #2 Below: "Christmas Eve at Grandma's"
Layout 3 Below: "Christmas 2009"Close Up of Layout 3's Journaling Below:
Even though it's too late to sign up for December's class, I thought you might enjoy seeing the pages anyway. If you're not coming to class, you can always use them for inspiration when scrapping on your own.

These layouts were all made using Close To My Heart's elegantly beautiful Mistletoe Level 2 Paper Pack (X7130B), Mistletoe My Stickease (X7130C), Mistletoe Level 2 Assortment (Z1330), Pearl Opaques (Z1336), Cranberry Ribbon Rounds (Z1209), and Red, Pink and Purple Assortment Sparkles (Z1326).

You can shop 24/7 on my website for these and so many other wonderful items. Click here to begin!


  1. Love these! Can't wait to get to work on them :) I know what you mean about not having enough time....November flew by and December is coming up way too fast! I have so much to do before I get out there! Good luck with all your stuff. Love ya!

  2. Thanks for posting them Karen, I always love seeing your ideas. I'm right there with you on time... Chris and Danae's reception is on the 10th and we are leaving town for our anniversary in between (who was crazy enough to plan that? lol) Good luck with everything.

  3. Oh your layouts are beautiful! I will definitely be using them for inspiration! I can't believe how quickly the wedding came up. Be sure to have enought to enjoy!

  4. perfectly fantabulous los!! LOVE your work!
