
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thankgsiving! My day was spent with family, good food, and lots of great conversation and fun. I am so grateful for so many things, but if I had to pick my 'mostest gratefullest' this year, it would have to be that Dan found a great job.

If you've been reading my blog for very long, you know that in October of 2008, after over 20 years in the pharmaceutical industry, Dan lost his job. It took him about 18 months of looking and working toward finding another job every day to find one. I am so grateful that job finally did come. I'm grateful for what we learned during those 18 months (although I would NEVER choose to go through it again), and I'm grateful that we determined at the beginning of it all that no matter what happened we would make sure that through it all we would become closer and stronger as a family and not let it tear us apart. I am so grateful that we worked so hard to make sure that was the case.

I love my family! I'm so grateful for each one of them. But, most of all, I am soooooooo grateful for my hubby, Dan-the-Man!

I'm also grateful to all of YOU, my blog readers. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Karen! Hope it was fabulous for you!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  3. that is so wonderful! Congratulations Dan. Glad you are going to be okay.

  4. Congratulations to Dan on the new job - what wonderful news!!!


  5. You are one extraordinary, lady! Your perspective and persistence (along with that hinky ability to know when somebody needs a pick-me-up) make me grateful to have you as a friend. Love you!

  6. Sweet post Karen, you have a grateful heart. Happy Holidays!

  7. Congrats to you and your hubby on his job. We've been in your shoes and you put it perfectly in that you love what you learned but wouldn't want to go through it again. Exactly!
    What a wonderful start of the holidays for you and your family.

    God is good!!!!!
