
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow, Snow and SNOW!

I've been out all morning running errands trying to beat the blizzard. It will be interesting to see what this storm brings! I have never, in all my years in Utah, seen such a thing. Radio stations are closing, grocery stores are closing, just about EVERY business around me is closing today by 4 pm...even the craft stores (I can see grocery stores and radio stations, but craft stores? Those are a necessity! lol.). The storm is supposed to hit our area between 5 and 7 pm. For a state that is used to snow, and lots of it, this is unheard of. If this blizzard is everything it has been predicted to be, it will be quite an experience. I mean really, who ever heard of the radio stations shutting down? Of course my son's basketball team is still practicing. Priorities, my friends, priorities.

One thing that is not closing down is my website. If you are holed up waiting out a storm, there is no better time to do a little shopping! Of course I had to get that in! Tee hee.

In the midst of this panic, my son, Easton is driving home from Cedar City for the Thanksgiving holiday. Everyone say a little prayer for him to make it safely over the mountain passes!

Off to make something warm and wait for Dan, Easton and Dawson to get to our home safely tonight. I hope you and yours are all safe in your homes too.


  1. Wow - it must really going to to bead if all that closing is going on. That's when we know it's bad in Minnesota, too. Drink some hot chocolate and do some scrapping - sounds like a good night for it!

  2. Hi Karen...will you consider checking out my blog...I made a little something that is posted there...and I would love your feedback and what you think...and if you have any cool ideas for me!
    Thanks; Micah
    Your downline...somewhere.

  3. Karen, that photo you posted of the snow is nice. When did you take that?

  4. I pray that your son made it home alright! We definitely need to get together when you are in St. George.
    Maybe we can go to lunch or something if you have time!

  5. Sheila, It's just a stock photo I found online that I liked. I wish I could say I took it!

    Micah, I'll go check out your blog right now.
