
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy Mail from Allison B.

Yesterday I mentioned that I would share some more Happy Mail today. Friday night, after spending the day in Springville getting Dawson registered in school, transferring our utilities, etc. I was exhausted and little bit emotional, I came home to the BESTEST surprise on my doorstep.

THANK YOU, Allison (isn't she the cutest?) for the gorgeous tulips, which felt like Spring amidst all the snow, for the yummy Cadbury eggs (my fave!) and the beautiful hand-made card. Thank you even more for your wonderful friendship. I will miss having you less than a block away. I'll miss our monthly visits. When I was released as the Relief Society President (women's organization) at church last Summer, Allison took my place. She has done a wonderful job, and this is a girl with 5 small children and a hubby that works long hours. I don't know how she does it! If we weren't close enough friends already, sharing this Relief Society experience has bonded us for a lifetime.

Allison used the Sophia Papers from Close To My Heart to make this gorgeous card. You can order those papers and so many more wonderful products on my website.

Side-note: I was so proud of my Dawsie-Boy (No, he does not love it when I call him that. Yes, I still do it anyway.) on Friday. He was so positive about the whole thing. After we got him all registered at Springville High School, we walked around the school to help him figure out where his classes were and so many kids stopped and met him and introduced themselves. The administrators couldn't have been kinder and more helpful. It was a great experience and Dawson has such a positive outlook on moving and changing high schools. Yeah, Dawsie-Boy! Thanks for setting a wonderful example for your old mom!


  1. Are you kidding, those girls are going to be so excited to have such an handsome young man new in the school. Excited for you. We moved after 13 years and it was hard and yet the best thing for us. Although I questioned it at first. Best wishes to you. However you know with a new ward the slate is wiped clean and you could have another round at RS President on day. They are so blessed to have such a wonderful family moving to their area.

    Love you Karen. I still want to be like you when I grow up.

  2. What WONDERFUL happy, happy mail! The card is so pretty and I so want to EAT those cadbury eggs:-)

  3. I'm so glad you have so many awesome friends there to help you out through this tough time. I'm also so proud of Dawson. He is such a good sport about hte whole thing and I think it will be a great move for you all. PS I LOOOVE this pic of Daws. Where did you take it?

  4. Happy and sad for you!! Love the card and gift idea from Allison. What a blessed friend!
