
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Mail from Amy M and Mixed Emotions!

What a week it has been for Happy Mail! Thank you to Amy M. (next to me in our matchy pajamas. I'm the far left and Amy is next to me in her cute, sassy glasses) for a sweet little package that arrived in the mail the other day that included this darling card. I'll be sharing some more happy mail that showed up on my doorstep last night in tomorrow's post.

We are getting ready to move in the next few days and although Springville is only 30 miles south of where we live right now (Highland), it's a HUGE change. We have lived in our home for over 16 years and have had mostly the same neighbors during that time. My children have all attended the same schools and had the same teachers (who, I might add, might not be too sad to see the Pedersens go! lol). Our town is small enough that I know most of the cashiers at the grocery store, the tellers at the bank, the post office employees, etc. Almost anywhere I go I see someone I know and there is comfort and familiarity in that. We have also decided with just one child left at home, it is time to downsize. That will be nice in so many ways, but I will also miss the luxuries and extras our home has. I will miss you, two-headed shower mega-shower! I will miss you, 2 family rooms and one living room. I will miss you, formal dining room. As you can tell, I have some seriously mixed emotions!

So many of my friends have called, sent cards, left treats on my doorstep, and offered to help pack and move. I am a very blessed girl to have so many people in my life that care about me and want to help make this a good transition. THANK YOU to all of you who have gone out of your way to make me smile.

I know I will love you, Springville. Change is hard but I know it is what makes us reach beyond ourselves, stretch ourselves, and grow. I remember the excitement I felt when we built our home in Highland, the optimism about the new adventures we would have, the trepidation about doing new things, and meeting new people. Our Highland Adventure could not have been a better experience. I'm sure Springville will be the same. It's just hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Look out, Springville! Here we come. Woof!


  1. Good luck in your new home! Moving is sooooo hard. We lived in Houston for 18 1/2 years before we came here to St. George. I love it here, but change is just hard. One thing that might be unexpectedly hard is people not knowing you as the mom of your married children. Sounds weird, but when I was in Houston everyone knew me as the mom of ALL my children and when we moved here my oldest daughter was married and my second daughter out of high school so they really don't know me as the mom of them and it is just weird for me, so prepare yourself for that. BIG HUGS! I know that the people of Springville will LOVE YOU and you will learn to LOVE them, too! MORE HUGS!!!

  2. I am so sad to see you guys leave Highland. I can't believe the next time I visit I won't be in MY house! BUT I know this is a great move for you guys and I have faith that it will all work out for the best. I love you so much. Good luck this week! I wish I were there to help you pack and move!!!

  3. Good luck with the move Karen.

  4. Karen, I did not know you were moving! Oh my goodness, dear, you really do have some mixed emotions. This is our 3rd house, and I think the one I will always love the most is the first one we lived in. But I know you. You are one of the most pleasant and kind people in the world. You will get to know everyone in Springville, and before you know it, it will be home. Big hugs and much love!

  5. I know moving to a new city seems so scary. We're looking at the same idea. But it will be a fresh start. New customers. New friends. And you get to keep the old ones too! 30 miles is a short drive down the freeway. And downsizing is what everybody needs once in a while. You learn to appreciate the little things, and the people, not the possessions. Purging is actually a great feeling! Good luck!
