I've been thinking lately that it is much more fun to go through life feeling happy and grateful than sad and 'woe is me-ish.' That helped me count my blessings and realize how lucky I really am. Although Dan has been out of work for a year and a half now*, we are so blessed in every other way! We have a beautiful family that is happy and healthy, we love each other very much, we are strong members of our church and have a strong belief and

faith in God, and I have a successful Close To My Heart scrapbooking business doing something I love.
LUCKY me, is totally appropriate. I am one blessed daughter of God.
*If you happen to know anyone looking for an outstanding Pharmaceutical Sales Representative, let me know! Dan would be VERY interested. Until a year and a half ago he had done this for over 20 years.I am also running a special in my business for March called "
Lucky YOU!" Here's how it works: If you are a current Play Group member and you bring 2 friends to play group with you in March (you must give me a week's notice) that choose to join Play Group (read about it on the left side of my blog), you get your Basic Package (the one you would purchase in March for April's classes) absolutely FREE (a $30.74 value!). If you are not a current Play Group member but if you sign yourself and another new customer up for a class in March and you both join, you get your Basic Package (the one you would buy in March for April's class) absolutely FREE ($30.74 value)! LUCKY YOU! Please email me if you are interested in taking advantage of this special (pedermom@aol.com). Tomorrow I will be posting photos of the three 2 page 12" x 12" layouts we will be making at my March Play Group classes. They are gorgeous, if I do say so myself. We are using the beautifully elegant
Veranda kit.
By the way, Play Group classes are at my home in Highland, UT. If you do not live in Utah but would like to take part in Play Group, I have some long distance options. Again, just email me for more information (pedermom@aol.com).
I thought I'd share a couple of "
Lucky" cards to go with the theme of this post. The first card was inspired by last week's (2/15)
Mojo Monday sketch (#126). I'm a little late, but it was one I really wanted to try. It was a unique sketch and something different than I have ever made. This is what I came up with.
Close To My Heart products used: Boom-Di-Ada Level 2 Paper Pack (X7095B), Emporium Level 2 Paper Pack (X7105B), Caboodle Level 2 Paper Pack (X7121B), Sunkiss Yellow Cardstock (1240), March Word Puzzle Stamp Set (retired), Sweet Leaf Stamp Pad (Z21553), Juniper Stamp Pad (Z2165), Corner Rounder (Z578), Round Sponge (Z697), Juniper Waxy Flax (Z1248), Winter Craft Buttons (Z1284), Liquid Glass (Z679), 3D Foam Tape (Z1151).
I like the first card, but think I like the 2nd one even better. I didn't use a sketch for it, just an 'old stand by' card design that seems to pop into my head quite often. I almost always like anything I create with a middle stripe and 3 accents.
Close To My Heart products used:, Emporium Level 2 Paper Pack (X7105B), Sunkiss Yellow Cardstock (1240), Olive Cardstock (1245), March Word Puzzle Stamp Set (retired), Noted Backgrounds Stamp Set (D1412), Sweet Leaf Stamp Pad (Z21553), Juniper Stamp Pad (Z2165), Corner Rounder (Z578), Juniper Waxy Flax (Z1248), Round Sponge (Z697), Holiday Craft Buttons (Z1285), Versamark Pad (Z891), White Daisy Embossing Powder (Z673), Waterbrush (1771), 3D Foam Tape (Z1151).
here to order from my website 24/7...especially when you're feeling