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Monday, June 30, 2014

Patriotic Card and I'm Back From Convention 2014!

I'm back! What a week it was!  I loved every second and can hardly wait for next year's Close To My Heart Convention in July 2015, back at Disneyland. Want to join me? Join my team!

Before I share a bit of my week, I thought I'd remind you about the CTMH specials that end today.  You can find details of each special here.

1. June Stamp of the Month: Yours for only $5 ($17.95 value) with a $50 order. I made the card at the top of the post with this fun set and there is a product list with links at the end of this post. If ordering on my website, you'll be prompted to add this set before you check out.

2.  Celebrate 30: Choose from one of many awesome collections valued at over for  only $30 with a $50 order.  If ordering on my website, you'll be prompted to choose a collection before you check out.

Back to Convention...

The new products that will be debuting on August 1 are top rate, ship shape, better than ever, you'll love them forever products.  I had so much fun seeing them, playing with them, drooling over them, and taking some home last week.  I'll be sharing them with you as August nears.  In the meantime, I'll share a few photos from my week. If you look close you might just see the new Idea Book in my hands in the first photo. It's gorgeous!

Lisa, Amy, me, and Christine in our annual Idea Books photo

We rode rides at Disney, got spoiled by CTMH, had delicious food, saw and played with brand new products (that, as I mentioned above, debut to the public on August 1), laughed, cried (happy tears), danced, had delicious food (oh yeah, I already mentioned that. It bears repeating).

I drove with a few downline. We drove down to Cedar City to stay with my kiddos on Monday evening and went to watch Daysha in Little Mermaid at Tuachan. She was fabulous!
Tuachan with Daysha, Maria and Carma

Tuesday we drove the rest of the way to Disneyland and spent the evening at the park.  We had fun riding rides and watching the fireworks.
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad with Michelle, Jody and Amy. Hands up!

Waiting for the fireworks by the castle
Some of us enjoying time at Disneyland

The first day of Convention (Wednesday) was Leadership Day. This is a day that CTMH puts on for all Managers and above each year the day before the general convention begins. It focuses on leadership and advanced business building. It was a TERRIFIC day and I learned so much.  That evening I had my team meeting. I had 37 of my over 300 team members in attendance. We had a blast!  Here were are:
The Pacemakers who attended Convention
My roomies:  Michelle, Amy and me. Disney kisses.

The next day (Thursday) was the beginning of Convention. This is the day the new catalog is revealed, along with tons of new products, papers and stamps.  Saying it feels like being a kid at Christmas is an understatement.
My buddy, Michelle and I. Soul sisters!

Kristine and Monica, VP's of Marketing, Training and Events started off the show with an "Amazing Race" themed skit
Thursday evening I attended the special dinner that Close To My Heart hold every year for Directors and above each year. I was proud to have 2 team members who are Directors join me. Unfortunately, we somehow missed getting a photo of the 3 of us, but I did get one of Brenda and I with Mickey before the dinner started. After our fancy schmancy dinner, CTMH took us to Calfornia Adventure to see The World of Color from a special reserved section right up front.
Brenda, Mickey and I. Brenda is my newest Director and I'm so proud of her!
World of Color

Friday was more fun, motivation and inspiration. I taught all day on Friday...a class called The Locomotion of Personal Promotion.  I taught it 8 times to over 100 people each class. By the end of the day, I barely had a voice.  Friday evening was our awards banquet.  It was full of amazing food and entertainment. My team, The Pacemakers, won an award for #2 in team sales.  We were so excited!
teaching The Locomotion of Personal Promotion

After accepting our team award. Go Pacemakers!
Saturday was full of more creative classes, a delicious dinner and dancing.  I don't think I took a single picture on Saturday. Darn!

As you can see, CTMH puts on a fabulous convention. Join me next year by joining my team!

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Convention, Here I Come!

I am headed out today for the annual Close To My Heart Convention! This year it's in Anaheim, CA (DISNEYLAND!).  Yipeee!  You won't be hearing from me for at least a week, so don't think I have dropped off the face of the earth...instead I am at the happiest place on earth. Combine Disney and CTMH and it's off the charts, people! This year's Convention theme is "The Artistic Adventure" and I'm seriously ready for an adventure!  Eeeeeeek! I'm so excited!  (Note: This post may have just set the record for the most exclamation points in one paragraph).

Here are a few pics from last year's Convention:
The 3 Amigos with the 3 Amigos

It's become tradition that I take this same photo every year with these 3 peeps with our brand new catalogs.  I'll be sure to post this year's when I get home.

It's nice to be a Director...Senior Executive Director at that. I am pretty proud of what I have achieved with CTMH!

With my Minnie lovin' pals

On stage last year in a general session skit

I'll tell you all about this year's party when I get back!  Don't forget to check out this post for all of the June specials while I'm gone.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Wedding Sign In Album for Heather and Xavier

Title Page

Daysha's sister, Heather and her fiance, X are getting married in about a week and a half. Aren't they a beautiful couple?  They asked me to do the sign in book and I knew I had to get busy. Like seriously busy. Like get jiggy wit' it! I leave for Anaheim, CA (Disneyland) for the Close To My Heart annual convention on Monday morning and get back 2 days before the wedding. I had about  24 hour period of time to get this little puppy put together. Operation HURRY!  Well, thanks to Kori's help, I did it! Thanks, Bug!  YAY!  Done!  And, I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I hope they will be too.

For those of you who are wondering what the heck this is for, this is in the place of a traditional guest book. Instead of signing on a little line in a boring old guest book, everyone signs on the pages of this book. It really turns into a beautiful keepsake! As you can see there is a lot of white space. That's where everyone signs. 

Layout 1

Layout 2

Layout 3

Layout 4

Layout 5

Layout 6

Layout 7

Layout 8

Layout 9

Layout 10

Closing Page

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

July Play Group Scrappin' Class Layouts (Jubilee)

It's time to unveil the lovely layouts we will be making in my July Play Group Scrappin' Classes using the Jubilee papers from Close To My Heart. You can participate in person or long-distance.  If you want to attend a class and participate in person, I need your order no later than July 1. If you are participating long-distance, you have until July 10 to get your orders to me.   (801.360.9896, 
The Jubilee papers are bright and happy and have a hint of County Fair flavor.  They are great for picnics, camping, pioneer activities, or any photos that compliment the bright, cheery colors of the collection.   I chose to use them for a bit of everything!  Daci had a pioneer field trip for her pre-school that was perfect on these papers. So were the bright, bold photos of Daci taken on her 5th birthday and the cute 6 month photos of Sage in her denim dress. 

Dates and Times in April to choose from to attend in person:
Thursday evening, July 10 from 7-10 pm in Pleasant Grove, UT 

Friday morning, July 12 from 10 am - 1 pm in American Fork, UT

After the layout photos, you'll find the shopping list. In order to participate you are only required to purchase the Basic Kit, but you are more than welcome to purchase the Better or Best, or add a few of those items to your Basic Kit.  You'll see kit totals along with the shopping list.

Feel free to click on any image to see it larger and in more detail.  For each layout I have included the layout with photos, without photos, and some detail shots. You might also notice that on the layouts without the photos I have listed the size of each mat for your convenience in choosing and cropping your photos.  

Layout #1 - Summertime:

Layout 1 with photos

Layout 1 without photos

Layout 1 journaling
detail photo 1
detail photo 2
detail photo 3

detail photo 4
Layout #2 - Happy Moments:
Layout 2 with photos

Layout 2 without photos
Layout 2, journaling 1
Layout 2, journaling 2
detail photo 1
detail photo 2
detail photo 3

Layout #3 - 
Layout 3 with photos
Layout 3 without photos
Layout 3 journaling
detail photo 1
detail photo 2
detail photo 3
Shopping List:  Don't forget that you are only required to purchase the Basic Kit to participate.  Anything above and beyond that is totally up to you. I  have included photos and links to each of the products we are using at the bottom of this post for your convenience.

Basic Kit (this is all that you are required to purchase to participate) 

  • Jubilee Workshop on the Go Kit (includes: Workshop Stamp Set,  Jubilee Paper Pack, 3 extra sheets of Cardstock (Cocoa, Topiary and Colonial White),  Jubilee Assortment, Durables Triangle Studs, Instructional Brochure)
  • 2 extra sheets of Buttercup Cardstock
  • 1 extra sheet of Colonial White Cardstock
  • Karen's Cutting Guide
Kit total value: $43.39
Total including shipping and tax for those attending my classes in person:  $36
Total including shipping and tax for long-distance participants:  $41
Total if you want me to cut your paper for you: add $5 to your total

Better Kit = Basic Kit + the following products (I recommend this kit!)

  • Jubilee Complements Stickease
  • Wooden Mini-Medley
  • Round Sponge
  • Sanding Kit
Total including shipping and tax for those attending my classes in person:  $54
Total including shipping and tax for long-distance participants:  $59 
Total if you want me to cut your paper for you:  add $5 to your total  

Best Kit* = Basic Kit + Better Kit + the following products

  • Cocoa Pad (for distressing)
  • Cranberry Pad (for stamping and distressing)
  • Topiary Pad (for stamping)
Total including shipping and tax for those attending my classes in person:  $72
Total including shipping and tax for long-distance participants:  $77
Total if you want me to cut your paper for you:  add $5 to your total   

Other tools you will need to complete your kit:

  • Piercing Tool Kit
  • Scissors
  • Paper Trimmer
  • Scalloped Border Punch
  • Adhesives (I recommend tombow adhesive, glue dots and 3D Foam Tape)
*Purchase in June and at this purchase level ($50 or more) you qualify for the June Stamp of the Month (Kaboom - $17.95 value) at only $5.


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