Did you guess which one was me? Several of you have posted or emailed me to find out which of the list I shared in
Sunday's post was me. So far, no one who has guessed has gotten it right.
I'll tell you which one I was and the story to go with it in just a minute. Before I do, I have something much more important to share: My granddaugther, Daci learned to say Grandma yesterday! WOO HOO! Sorry I don't have any wonderful artwork to share today. I have been busy doing things other than creating art the past few days. Hopefully this darling photo of Daci will suffice.
Back to the list. I was this one:
- Over 100 people have seen my bare tush.
Lest you think that I am a habitual mooner, please let me give you a quick re-cap of what actually happened. I was 17 years old and on a first date with a new guy. We decided to go swimming. As I was climbing out of the pool on the ladder (and he was right behind me), he said, "Karen, you have a hole in the back of your swimsuit." YIKES! I politely thanked him and went into the womens restroom to check it out. Hole was the understatement of the year! The seam in the back of my swimsuit was up the middle (instead of the sides like most swimsuits) and it was totally unstitched. I didn't have a hole in my swimsuit....I didn't have a swimsuit! My entire rear portion was bare for the whole pool full of people to see. I almost DIED! I think I stayed in that bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist for a good 30 minutes before I got enough guts to go back out, get my date, and leave. I couldn't look him in the face the rest of the day.
That story should make all of you feel VERY good about yourselves, right? I hope you all got a good laugh to start your day at my expense!
What a proud Grandma you must be:-) And thanks for the laugh!! That is too funny!
Your granddaughter is soooooo cute!! Isn't it fun when they can say Grandma?!! Your embarassing story is a good one!! Oh dear! Since you shared so will I...
I was 19 working at Chevron Oil Refinery in El Segundo, Calif. This place is HUGE...you have to take a bus from the parking lot to get into the center of the refinery where I worked as a secretary. There were very FEW women working there. Just a few of us secretaries. I've always loved play on words and I definitely had tendency to run late back then. I saw some underpants one time that had "Happy Ending" written on the backside in big bold black letters.
I thought it was the funniest thing ever and bought them just to give myself a chuckle when I saw them in my drawer. I never even wore them. One morning when I was running late for work...I inadvertantly put them on...and what was worse I put them on under WHITE pants. NO ONE told me that I had Happy Ending emblazened on my backside until the end of the work day. One of my bosses as I was leaning over to pick up a paper I had dropped said, "Is it really?" Confused, I said, "is what really?" "A happy ending!", he replied. Ohhhhhhhh my I know I turned a thousand shades of red. They told me that they and EVERY ONE else had seen it there ALL DAY and didn't tell me. I was so mortified. Those panties went in the trash as soon as I got home, but I have to admit I chuckle about it now.
That is so funny!! You are hilarious. I guessed it right but I thought it would have something to do with your pageant experience. haha! You are so cute and funny. And the pic of Daci will do for today! Wasn't conference great. I loved every minute!
Oh my goodness! I actually felt bad for that 17 year-old girl - how embarrassing for you at that age!! I did not guess that right in my head. I thought for sure you won the push up contest (you are a little competitive, you know!). And I can totally see you as a pink power ranger. So you had me stumped. How wonderful to have your conference on the same weekend as Easter. What a blessing! CUTE picture of Daci!!
Awww...I bet that was the sweetest little sound ever Grandma. So cute!
Your story is so funny...ehem now. That is embarassing. Cheryl also has a doozie! Heehehe and yikes!
Sweet little girl! and oh how I did chuckle, thanks for that!
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