The rules for this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to you (check. see above)
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog. (check. see above)
3. List three things which you love about yourself. (check. see below)
4. Post a picture you love. (check. see below)
5. Tag five people you wish to pass this award on to (I hope I won't be in too much trouble for just doing 3 this time. check. see below).
3 things I love about myself:
1. I am enjoying my 40's. Other than the decline of my physical body, I love the way it feels to be in this stage of life. I feel so much more peaceful and content than I did in my younger years.
2. I am so glad that I chose to be a wife and a mother. I cannot think of anything in my life that has even come close to bringing me the joy that these two roles have. I LOVE that I love my life!
3. I am a pretty creative person and I love this outlet in my life. How many people get to do something they love every day for a living? I love what I do!
A Photo I Love:

This isn't a particularly great photo of me, but I love what it means. Last week we had a family picnic and took this photo. It shows 5 generations. L-R: my sweet daughter, Kori; my precious granddaughter, Daci, me, my beautiful mother, Nedra; my amazing grandmother, Winona (who is 91 years old!). Family is everything!
The five people I would like to pass this on to are:
1. Kori Roberts at Streebor.blogspot.com. This is my beautiful daughter who I love with all my heart. Her blog will come to mean even more to me now that she and her hubby, Rick and their beautiful little girl, Daci have just moved to Chicago. She also has a great business you should check out making head-bling for babies: www.babybandsandbling.blogspot.com
2. Melissa at http://fancymelissa.blogspot.com. Melissa is such a caring and giving person and has spent so much time helping me with things she is an expert at. THANKS, friend!
3. Carma at http://stampwithheart.blogspot.com. Carma is one of my wonderful downline who has a heart of gold!