Note: The photos you see here are just snapshots taken by Kori and other various people during the evening. They are awesome but I can't wait to have the professional ones to share (especially the ones of Easton and Daysha in front of the temple)! Our photographer, Megan Heaps is THE BEST!
It's official: As of about 12:30 pm yesterday, Easton and Daysha are now Mr. and Mrs. Easton Pedersen. The wedding yesterday, the luncheon, and the reception were all wonderful and went off without a hitch.
I think as parents, the thing we want most for our children is for them to grow up to be good, kind, giving human beings, for them to be productive and hard-working, and for them to choose to marry a wonderful person to spend time and all eternity with. Yesterday was a day that we, as parents, live for. Dan and I couldn't be happier with Easton's choice in a wife. Daysha, we love you! Kori also chose a wonderful man to marry four years ago. 2 down, 2 to go! :)

It was a beautiful day! It started out with Easton and Daysha being married and sealed for time and all eternity in the Draper, UT LDS Temple by Daysha's grandfather. From there we went to a luncheon where over 100 close friends and family came and celebrated with us. There was a nice program where we showed a video of Easton and Daysha (so cute!), then both of their siblings and parents paid tributes (of course, Dan-the-Man was

the comic relief), Easton and Daysha each spoke, and Daysha sang a beautiful love song to Easton. After the luncheon it was on to a gorgeous reception. After the formal line and dinner, there was a fun program. Daysha and her four sisters sang "We are Family" by the Pointer Sisters, Daysha did a traditional wedding hula (the 'money dance'. It was a hoot. Daysha even hula-ed on Easton's back in 4" heels!), more singing by family and friends, and then we all boogied the night away (Dawson Pedersen, who tau

ght you those moves?). At the end of the evening, we sent the newlyweds off in their car (decorated courtesy of brothers and cousins) for the honeymoon, and the rest of us came home. It was a day that Dan and I will never forget.
Easton and Daysha, we love you both so very much and wish you an eternity of happiness together.